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Transporter in top form – maximum function, minimum downtimes: The all-round carefree package for your van


“Go to keep moving” – the van is often only seen as a means to an end or as a rather unloved work tool. The necessary technical and visual care is often neglected. We show you how you can ensure the functionality of your van quickly, cost-effectively and with little effort.

Of course, with its rather chunky shape and boxy appearance, the van does not necessarily win the prize for the most classy chassis. However, it scores all the more points for its functionality as a space miracle. As a construction site vehicle, crew carrier or delivery van, it is simply indispensable on the road. What is more, the growing camping trend is also making the van ever more popular in converted and upgraded form. Regardless of whether it’s purely working equipment or motorhome happiness, the van also deserves a certain amount of attention in order to remain operational and functional in the long term.

Clean oil circuit, reliable operation

Of course, the routine oil change is mandatory. Without regular renewal of the motor oil, the engine cannot work properly and is relentlessly exposed to the dangers of insufficient lubrication, cooling, sealing and cleaning, as well as corrosion.

However, in addition to renewing the motor oil, the use of the right oil also determines whether the engine will enjoy a long service life or suffer serious repairs. So make sure you use the correct oil for your little truck too. In our oil guide, you will find the right lubricants for every vehicle.

To the oil guide

However, renewing the oil is not enough. The older the van, the more miles it probably has on the clock. Even with regular oil changes, oil sludge and other deposits form in the oil circuit over time. Both should definitely be removed!

Motor Clean
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Removing deposits

The easiest and most economical way to remove them is to use Motor Clean. As an oil additive, it is added to the used oil immediately before the oil change, which eliminates most of the deposits from the engine compartment. The highly effective cleaning additives dissolve old sludge and dirt, which is then drained off with the old oil during the oil change. The fresh oil can now develop its full performance in the engine: Reduction of wear and oil consumption, optimization of emission characteristics and prevention of insufficient lubrication.

  • Quick and effective cleaning
  • Cleans gently
  • Prevents inadequate lubrication
  • Turbo-tested
  • Easy to use
  • Highly cost-effective
  • Neutral towards conventional sealant materials
  • Particulate filter and catalytic converter-tested
  • Reduces emissions

Ensuring optimal lubrication

Optimum lubrication is ensured not only by the new motor oil but also by our Cera Tec, which is added to the fresh oil. As high-tech ceramic wear protection, it reduces friction and wear by preventing direct metal-to-metal contact and thus increasing the service life of the major assemblies.

Learn more about how it works

  • Compatible with ultra-fine filters
  • Maximum thermal stability
  • No settling
  • Long engine life
  • Can be mixed with commercially available motor oils
  • Optimizes fuel consumption
  • Reduces friction losses
  • Tested for use with turbochargers and catalytic converters
  • Excellent high- and low-temperature behavior
  • Chemically inert
  • Suitable for diesel particulate filters
  • Enhances smooth running
  • Extremely pressure-resistant

Clean fuel system, reliable performance

Deposits are not only formed in the oil, but also in the fuel or injection system. Soot is produced during every combustion, and this is often deposited on the injection nozzles. As a result, the engine no longer runs efficiently.

Here too, we offer a simple and inexpensive solution. The Engine System Cleaner has been proven to improve the cleaning performance of the fuel and also cares for all parts in the fuel system. It removes deposits in the injection system and combustion chamber, as well as preventing them from forming again.

Learn more about how it works

  • Prevents the formation of deposits
  • Removes deposits throughout the entire fuel system
  • For all diesel engines including common rail and unit injector
  • Guarantees optimal combustion
  • Protects components of the injection system against wear
  • Prevents the nozzle needles from burning on and resinifying

For long-term use, we recommend using Super Diesel Additive as a cleaner with additional cetane booster, especially in countries with doubtful diesel quality. Increases the cetane number, improves the ignitability of the diesel fuel, and ensures quiet engine running. Protects the entire fuel system against corrosion and wear.

  • Good corrosion protection
  • Keeps the fuel system clean
  • Strong wear protection
  • Catalytic converter-tested
  • Optimizes engine performance
  • Prevents the nozzle needles from burning on and resinifying
  • Prevents the formation of deposits
  • Keeps injectors clean
  • Excellent cleanliness
  • Increases the cetane number
  • Enhances the lubrication effect
  • For low-sulfur diesel fuels
  • Ensures lower fuel consumption

Technically up to date? Then a little cosmetic attention won’t hurt your van either. From paint care to plastic, leather and fabric for the interior and exterior, our wide range of care products offers everything you need to give your van the finishing touch.

To the care range