Izjava o zaštiti podataka

1. O nama

Mi, tvrtka LIQUI MOLY GmbH, odgovorni smo za prikupljanje, obradu i pohranu vaših podataka. Pojedinosti o nama možete u svakom trenutku pronaći u odjeljku Impresum.

Pažljivo postupanje s vašim osobnim podacima za nas je najviši prioritet. Pri obradi se pridržavamo zakonskih odredbi, kao što su npr. Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (OUZP), kao i s time povezanih nacionalnih odredbi.

Ova Izjava o zaštiti podataka vrijedi za sve internetske stranice našeg poduzeća dostupne na našim domenama (liqui-moly.com, liqui-moly.de) za prisutnost tvrtke LIQUI MOLY na društvenim mrežama Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Xing i LinkedIn. Ako se u okviru naše ponude prebacite na internetske stranice drugih vlasnika, tamo vrijede zasebne odredbe o zaštiti podataka za čiji su sadržaj odgovorni odnosni vlasnici tih internetskih stranica.

Budući da vam želimo dati sveobuhvatan pregled obrade osobnih podataka u našoj grupi poduzeća, u nastavku ćete pronaći pregled svih naših usluga u okviru kojih prikupljamo i obrađujemo osobne podatke.

Ako za pojedine usluge vrijede posebni ili dodatni uvjeti ili ako od vas tražimo vašu privolu, na to ćemo vas posebno upozoriti prije uporabe odnosne usluge (npr. za pretplatu na bilten ili kupnju u našoj internetskoj trgovini).

Osim toga, poduzimamo razne sigurnosne mjere za zaštitu vaših osobnih podataka. Na primjer, prijenos između vašeg internetskog preglednika i naših poslužitelja u načelu je šifriran tijekom transporta; osim toga, poduzimamo brojne tehničke i organizacijske mjere kako bismo uvijek zaštitili vaše podatke.

2. Zašto obrađujemo vaše podatke

Našu internetsku stranicu u načelu možete upotrebljavati bez otkrivanja svog identiteta. Ako se želite registrirati za neku od naših personaliziranih usluga, upotrebljavati našu internetsku trgovinu, prijaviti se za naš bilten ili nas kontaktirati, zatražit ćemo vaše ime i prezime i druge osobne podatke. Sami odlučujete hoćete li unijeti te (proširene) podatke. Podaci koji su nam nužni za pružanje naših usluga označeni su kao takvi.

Prikupljanje i obrada vaših osobnih podataka obavljaju se u sljedeće svrhe na temelju sljedećih pravnih osnova:

  • Sklapanje ugovora u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkama (a) i (b) OUZP-a

  • Izvršenje ugovora u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (b) OUZP-a

  • Upravljanje klijentima u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkama (b), (c) i (f) OUZP-a

  • Komunikacija i razmjena podataka u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkama (a), (b), (c), (f) OUZP-a

  • Vanjsko zastupanje i oglašavanje u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkama (a), (f) OUZP-a

  • Provedba izjava o privoli u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a

  • Osiguravanje propisnog rada sustava za obradu podataka u skladu s
    člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkama (b) i (f) OUZP-a

  • Postupak odabira podnositelja prijave za radno mjesto u okviru upravljanja osobljem i resursima na temelju članka 6. stavka 1. rečenice 1. točke (a) i (b) OUZP-a u vezi s člankom 26. njemačkog Saveznog zakona o zaštiti podataka

3. Koje vaše podatke prikupljamo i obrađujemo

Prikupljamo različite kategorije vaših osobnih podataka. Osobni podaci su sve informacije koje se odnose na identificiranu fizičku osobu ili fizičku osobu koja se može identificirati. Kao osoba koja se može identificirati smatra se fizička osoba koja se može identificirati izravno ili neizravno, osobito putem dodjele identifikatora kao što su ime i prezime. Osobni podaci uključuju informacije kao što su vaše ime i prezime, adresa, telefonski broj i datum rođenja (ako je navedeno). Statističke informacije koje se ne mogu izravno ili neizravno povezati s vama – kao što su npr. popularnost pojedinih internetskih stranica naše ponude ili broj korisnika stranice – nisu osobni podaci. Pritom postoje podaci prikupljeni izravno i neizravno. U oba slučaja podaci se prikupljaju samo u nužnom opsegu; podaci se obrađuju isključivo u svrhe navedene pod točkom 2. Odluku o tome želite li nam dostaviti podatke koji optimiziraju upotrebu naših usluga za vas, a koji za to nisu potrebni, donosite sami. Odgovarajuća podatkovna polja označena su kao „dobrovoljna“ polja.

Izravno prikupljeni podaci uključuju sljedeće:

  • Oslovljavanje, ime i prezime, npr. za personalizaciju vašeg korisničkog računa ili za narudžbu u našoj internetskoj trgovini

  • Adresu e-pošte i po potrebi lozinku koju ste odabrali, npr. u svrhu primanja biltena, upotrebe vašeg korisničkog računa ili kontaktiranja putem našeg obrasca za kontakt

  • Podatke o adresi, npr. u svrhu obrade narudžbe (isporuka) u okviru naše internetske trgovine

  • Podatke za plaćanje, za obradu plaćanja vaše narudžbe

  • Podatke podnositelja prijave za provedbu našeg online postupka prijave

  • Podatke koje nam aktivno i svjesno dajete u okviru upotrebe naših usluga

  • Ostale podatke koje nam dobrovoljno dostavite, npr. podatkovna polja koja ste popunili, a koja su označena kao „dobrovoljna“ polja

Osim toga, vaši se podaci neizravno prikupljaju prilikom upotrebe naših usluga:

  • Tehnički podaci o povezivanju, npr. pozvana stranica naše internetske ponude, vaša IP adresa skraćena za posljednje tri znamenke, datum i vrijeme pozivanja, upotrijebljeni krajnji uređaj, podaci o konfiguraciji preglednika

  • Podaci prikupljeni u okviru praćenja internetske stranice

  • Podaci koje u okviru obrade narudžbe u internetskoj trgovini dobivamo od naših pružatelja usluga, npr. informacije o vjerojatnosti plaćanja i smetnjama plaćanja ili obavijesti o dostavi

Maloljetne osobe:

Naša internetska stranica nije namijenjena maloljetnim osobama i ne prikupljamo svjesno osobne podatke maloljetnih osoba.

Ako nam osobe mlađe od 16 godina prosljeđuju osobne podatke, to je dopušteno samo ako je zakonski skrbnik sam dao privolu ili se složio s privolom mlade osobe. U tu svrhu nam se u skladu s člankom 8 stavkom 2. OUZP-a moraju dostaviti podaci za kontakt zakonskog skrbnika kako bismo se uvjerili u privolu, odnosno pristanak zakonskog skrbnika. Ti se podaci, kao i podaci maloljetne osobe, obrađuju u skladu s ovom Izjavom o zaštiti podataka.

Ako otkrijemo da nam je maloljetna osoba mlađa od 16 godina poslala osobne podatke bez privole samog skrbnika ili suglasnosti s privolom mlade osobe, odmah ćemo izbrisati podatke.

4. Tko ima pristup vašim podacima i kome ih prenosimo

a) Pristup

Pristup vašim osobnim podacima koje pohranjujemo ograničen je na naše zaposlenike i pružatelje usluga koje smo angažirali, a koji zbog svoje zadaće moraju rukovati tim osobnim podacima.

Ako treće strane dobiju pristup vašim podacima, zatražili smo vašu suglasnost ili postoji pravna osnova za to.

Za pružanje usluga i obradu vaših podataka angažiramo i pružatelje usluga (među ostalim, za hosting, slanje biltena, isporuku naručene robe, obradu plaćanja te održavanje i analizu baza podataka, zaštitu naših internetskih poslužitelja ili praćenje internetskih stranica). Ako se te posebne odredbe primjenjuju, u nastavku smo ih za vas naveli uz odgovarajuću uslugu. Pružatelji usluga obrađuju podatke isključivo prema našim uputama i dužni su pridržavati se važećih propisa o zaštiti podataka. Svi su izvršitelji obrade pažljivo odabrani i dobivaju pristup vašim podacima samo u opsegu i u razdoblju potrebnom za pružanje za pružanje usluga ili u opsegu u kojem ste pristali na obradu i upotrebu podataka.

b) Razmjena podataka unutar grupe poduzeća

Razmjena podataka unutar grupe poduzeća kojoj pripadamo odvija se isključivo unutar EU/EGP-a i služi samo u interne administrativne svrhe. Pod grupom poduzeća pritom podrazumijevamo povezana poduzeća u smislu članka 4. stavka 19. OUZP-a.

c) Prijenos u treće zemlje i pravna osnova

Poslužitelji nekih pružatelja usluga koje upotrebljavamo nalaze se u SAD-u i drugim zemljama izvan Europske unije. Poduzeća u tim zemljama podliježu zakonima o zaštiti podataka koji općenito ne štite osobne podatke u istoj mjeri kao što je to slučaj u državama članicama Europske unije. Ako se vaši podaci obrađuju u zemlji koja nema priznatu visoku razinu zaštite podataka kao Europska unija, osiguravamo odgovarajuću zaštitu vaših osobnih podataka putem ugovornih propisa ili drugih priznatih instrumenata. Na to ćemo vas izričito ponovno upozoriti u okviru pojedinih usluga.

Ako se osobni podaci prenose u treće zemlje, to se odvija na temelju standardnog ugovora EU-a u skladu s člankom 46. stavkom 2. točkom (c) OUZP-a, odnosno na temelju vaše privole u skladu s člankom 49. stavkom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Izvršitelji obrade naloga također su ugovorno dužni osigurati prijenose podataka u treće zemlje (npr. putem drugih izvršitelja obrade naloga) odgovarajućim jamstvima.

d) Prosljeđivanje tijelima za provedbu zakona i istražnim tijelima

U iznimnim slučajevima prosljeđujemo osobne podatke tijelima za provedbu zakona i istražnim tijelima. To se događa na temelju odgovarajućih zakonskih obveza, npr. iz Zakona o kaznenom postupku, Poreznog zakona, Zakona o sprečavanju pranju novca ili Zakona o državnoj policiji.

5. Razdoblja pohrane

Osobne podatke pohranjujemo u okviru zakonskih propisa ili vaše privole.

Za određivanje konkretnog razdoblja pohrane pritom se koristimo sljedećim kriterijima:

Osobne podatke pohranjujemo sve dok ne prestanu vrijediti svrhe za koje su prikupljeni (npr. u slučaju raskida ugovornog odnosa ili posljednje aktivnosti, ako ne postoji trajni dužnički odnos, ili u slučaju povlačenja vaše privole za konkretnu obradu podataka).

Pohranjivanje izvan tog okvira obavlja se samo u sljedećim slučajevima:

  • postoje zakonske obveze čuvanja (npr. prema njemačkom Općem poreznom zakonu (AO) i Trgovačkom zakoniku (HGB);

  • podaci su još potrebni za podnošenje i ostvarivanje pravnih zahtjeva ili za obranu od pravnih zahtjeva, npr. zbog tehnoloških i forenzičkih zahtjeva za sprečavanje i praćenje napada na naše internetske poslužitelje;

  • brisanje bi bilo u suprotnosti sa zaštićenim interesima odnosnih osoba;


  • primjenjuje se druga iznimka u skladu s člankom 17. stavkom 3. OUZP-a.

6. Vaša prava

Imate niz zakonskih prava na koja vam želimo ukazati u nastavku. Osim toga, na raspolaganju vam je i naš službenik za zaštitu podataka za sva pitanja o vašim osobnim podacima koje prikupljamo i obrađujemo pod dolje navedenim podacima za kontakt.

a) Pravo na pristup i prenosivost podataka

U svakom trenutku imate pravo na informacije o osobnim podacima koje obrađujemo o vama.

Ako se obrada podataka obavlja na temelju vaše privole ili u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (b) OUZP-a temelji na ugovoru, u skladu s člankom 20. stavkom 1. OUZP-a možete zatražiti i osobne podatke pohranjene u strukturiranom, uobičajenom i strojno čitljivom formatu. Na vaš zahtjev podatke prosljeđujemo i izravno primatelju kojeg ste naveli.

b) Pravo na ispravak, ograničenje i brisanje

Nadalje, u skladu s člancima od 16. do 18. OUZP-a od nas možete zatražiti ispravak, ograničenje (blokadu) ili brisanje vaših osobnih podataka ako smo podatke pogrešno obradili, ako postoji razlog za ograničenje daljnje obrade podataka ili ako je obrada podataka iz raznih razloga postala nezakonita ili ako njihova pohrana nije dopuštena iz drugih zakonskih razloga. Napominjemo da vaše pravo na brisanje može biti ograničeno zakonskim rokovima čuvanja.

c) Pravo na prigovor

Ako se naša obrada podataka temelji isključivo na našem legitimnom interesu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (f) OUZP-a, možete uložiti prigovor na ovu obradu u skladu s člankom 21. stavkom 1. OUZP-a. U tom ćemo slučaju prestati s obradom vaših podataka, osim ako ne možemo dokazati legitimne razloge za obradu koji imaju prednost nad vašim interesima, pravima i slobodama ili ako obrada služi za podnošenje, ostvarivanje ili obranu pravnog zahtjeva. Nadalje, uvijek imate pravo prigovoriti upotrebi vaših podataka u svrhu izravnog oglašavanja s učinkom u budućnosti u skladu s člankom 21. stavkom 2. OUZP-a.

d) Pravo na povlačenje privole

Ako ste nam dali privolu za obradu vaših osobnih podataka, u skladu s člankom 7. stavkom 3. OUZP-a imate pravo na povlačenje privole s učinkom u budućnosti.

e) Pravo na podnošenje pritužbe nadzornom tijelu

Imate pravo podnijeti pritužbu nadzornom tijelu ako smatrate da naša obrada vaših osobnih podataka krši europsku Opću uredbu o zaštiti podataka ili druge nacionalne i međunarodne zakone o zaštiti podataka.

Podaci za kontakt nadzornog tijela koje je nadležno za nas:

Službenik za zaštitu podataka i slobodu informiranja u Baden-Württembergu

Poštanski pretinac 10 29 32

70025 Stuttgart


Lautenschlagerstraße 20

70173 Stuttgart

f) Podaci za kontakt

Kako biste ostvarili svoja prava, možete nam poslati neformalnu obavijest na sljedeće podatke za kontakt. Povlačenje svoje privole, uz navođenje izjave o privoli koju želite povući, uputite i na sljedeće podatke za kontakt:

Odgovorna osoba



Jerg-Wieland-Straße 4,

D-89081 Ulm

E-pošta: datenschutz@liqui-moly.de

Telefon: +49 (0) 731 | 1420-0


it.sec GmbH
Einsteinstr. 55
D-89077 Ulm
Telefon: +49 (0) 731 | 2 05 89 - 24

7. Upotreba naše internetske stranice – profiliranje, kolačići i praćenje internetske stranice

a) Opće informacije o kolačićima i mogućnostima izuzimanja

U nekim dijelovima naše internetske stranice upotrebljavamo takozvane kolačiće, npr. kako bismo prepoznali preferencije posjetitelja i u skladu s time optimalno oblikovali internetsku stranicu. To omogućuje lakšu navigaciju i visok stupanj jednostavnosti upotrebe internetske stranice. Kolačići nam pomažu i da prepoznamo posebno popularna područja naše internetske ponude. Kolačići su male datoteke koje se pohranjuju na tvrdi disk posjetitelja. Omogućuju čuvanje informacija tijekom određenog vremenskog razdoblja i identifikaciju računala posjetitelja. Radi boljeg vođenja korisnika i individualnog prikaza performansi koristimo trajne kolačiće.

Osim toga, upotrebljavamo i takozvane kolačiće sesije koji se automatski brišu kada zatvorite preglednik. Možete postaviti svoj preglednik tako da vas obavještava o postavljanju kolačića. Na taj je način upotreba kolačića za vas transparentna. To činimo radi provjere autorizacije radnji i provjere autentičnosti korisnika koji je zatražio naše usluge. Pravne osnove su članak 6. stavak 1. rečenica 1 točka (c) u vezi s člankom 32. i člankom 6. stavka 1. rečenice 1. točke (f) OUZP-a. Naš je legitimni interes osigurati naše internetske poslužitelje, npr. kako bismo se obranili od napada i osigurali funkcionalnost naših usluga.

Kolačiće koji nisu tehnički nužni postavljamo tek nakon vaše izričite privole koju, naravno, možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku.

U okviru naših informacija o kolačićima na našoj internetskoj stranici pristali ste na sljedeću izjavu:

Ova internetska stranica upotrebljava kolačiće.

Kolačiće upotrebljavamo za personalizaciju sadržaja i oglasa, pružanje značajki društvenih mreža i analizu pristupa našoj internetskoj stranici. Osim toga, dijelimo i informacije o vašoj upotrebi naše internetske stranice s našim partnerima za društvene mreže, oglašavanje i analitiku. Naši partneri te informacije mogu kombinirati s drugim podacima koje ste im dali ili koje su prikupili tijekom vaše upotrebe usluga.

Više informacija možete pronaći u našoj Izjavi o zaštiti podataka.

<Samo nužni kolačići>       <Dopusti kolačiće>

Ako potpuno isključite upotrebu kolačića, nećete moći upotrebljavati pojedine funkcije naše internetske stranice – uključujući mogućnost izuzimanja od praćenja na temelju kolačića. Ako je potrebno, dopustite kolačiće za izuzimanje za usluge za koje želite spriječiti praćenje.

Napominjemo da brisanje svih kolačića dovodi do brisanja i kolačića za izuzimanje. Stoga ih po potrebi morate ponovno postaviti. Kolačići su povezani i s preglednikom, tj. moraju se zasebno postaviti za svaki preglednik koji upotrebljavate na svakom uređaju koji upotrebljavate. Poveznice potrebne za to možete pronaći u nastavku u opisu odnosne usluge.

Pregled upotrijebljenih kolačića i pripadajućih postavki možete u svakom trenutku pronaći na našoj oglasnoj traci s kolačićima. Na kartici Pojedinosti možete vidjeti skupine i kolačiće koji pripadaju skupinama.

b) Google Analytics

Ova internetska stranica upotrebljava Google Analytics, uslugu analize internetskih stranica koju pruža tvrtka Google LLC („Google“). Google Analytics upotrebljava takozvane „kolačiće“, tekstualne datoteke koje se pohranjuju na vaše računalo i koje omogućuju analizu korisničke upotrebe internetske stranice. Informacije koje prikupe kolačići o vašoj upotrebi ove internetske stranice u pravilu se prenose na Google poslužitelj u SAD-u i tamo pohranjuju. U slučaju aktiviranja IP anonimizacije na ovoj internetskoj stranici, Google će prethodno skratiti vašu IP adresu unutar država članica Europske unije ili u drugim državama potpisnicama Sporazuma o Europskom gospodarskom prostoru. Potpuna IP adresa samo će se u iznimnim slučajevima prenijeti na jedan od poslužitelja tvrtke Google u SAD-u i tamo skratiti. Po našem nalogu, tvrtka Google ove će podatke upotrebljavati za procjenu vaše upotrebe internetske stranice, za sastavljanje izvješća o aktivnostima na internetskoj stranici i pružanje drugih usluga vlasniku internetske stranice koje su povezane s upotrebom internetske stranice i upotrebom interneta. IP adresa koja se u okviru usluge Google Analytics prenosi iz vašeg preglednika neće se povezati s drugim podacima tvrtke Google.

Uslugu Google Analytics upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Imate mogućnost i spriječiti spremanje kolačića odgovarajućom postavkom softvera vašeg preglednika; međutim, napominjemo da u tom slučaju možda nećete moći upotrebljavati sve funkcije ove internetske stranice u punom opsegu. Osim toga, možete spriječiti i da tvrtka Google prikuplja podatke koje prikupljaju kolačići i koji su povezani s vašom upotrebom internetske stranice (uključujući vašu IP adresu) i da obrađuje te podatke preuzimanjem i instaliranjem programskog dodatka za preglednik koji je dostupan na sljedećoj poveznici. Trenutačna poveznica je: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

c) Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager je proizvod tvrtke Google koji nam omogućuje upravljanje oznakama internetskih stranica iz aplikacija kao što je Google Analytics putem sučelja. Tag Manager je domena bez kolačića i ne prikuplja osobne podatke.

d) Traženje trgovaca putem usluge Google Maps

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava uslugu Google Maps kako bi vam putem poštanskog broja pomogla u pronalaženju trgovca u vašoj blizini. Kad pokrenete uslugu Google Maps na ovoj internetskoj stranici, podaci (npr. vaša IP adresa, adresa unesena u okviru planiranja rute) prenose se na tvrtku Google.

Uslugu Google Maps upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu, članak 6. stavak 1. rečenica 1. točka (a) OUZP-a.

Stranica usluge Google Maps stoga je integrirana putem lokalnog pregleda i aktivira se samo kada kliknete na tamo prikazanu poveznicu, odnosno dopustite Google Maps putem oglasne trake s kolačićima. Nakon toga vaš preglednik uspostavlja izravnu vezu s tvrtkom Google. Osim toga, upotrebljavaju se i druge usluge tvrtke Google (npr. Google Fonts).

Nemamo utjecaja na to koristi li se tvrtka Google stvarno podacima ili na koji način (svrha, pohrana, brisanje, otkrivanje, prijenos, profiliranje). Ni u tom smislu nemamo učinkovite mogućnosti kontrole. Mi ne obavljamo pohranu tih podataka.

Sporazum u smislu članka 26. stavka 1. OUZP-a postoji.

Više informacija o zaštiti podataka u tvrtki Google možete pronaći na: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de&gl=de 

Posebne odredbe o zaštiti podataka za Google Maps možete pozvati na: https://www.google.com/intl/de_de/help/terms_maps.html 

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

e) Google Ads

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava uslugu „Google Ads“ koja oglašivačima omogućuje prikazivanje oglasa na popisima rezultata Google pretrage, kao i na Google mreži za oglašavanje. To se obavlja na temelju prethodno definiranih ključnih riječi s pomoću kojih se prikazuju na popisima rezultata samo ako se provodi pretraživanje prema ključnoj riječi.

Google Ads pritom ima za cilj oglašavanje naše internetske stranice prikazivanjem relevantnih oglasa na internetskim stranicama trećih strana, na popisima rezultata Google pretrage i prikazivanjem relevantnih oglasa trećih strana u okviru naše internetske stranice.

Kada kliknete na odgovarajući Google oglas koji upućuje na našu internetsku stranicu, tvrtka Google postavlja kolačić. Kolačići nama i tvrtki Google omogućuju da saznamo jeste li preko oglasa dospjeli na našu internetsku stranicu i obavili kupnju. U tu svrhu upotrebljavamo alat za praćenje konverzija putem usluge Google Ads.

Tako prikupljene podatke tvrtka Google upotrebljava za izradu statističkih podataka (npr. ukupan broj korisnika upućenih putem usluge Google Ads, uspješnost naše kampanje oglašavanja) za našu internetsku stranicu. Ni mi niti drugi Google Ads oglašivači ne primamo informacije od tvrtke Google koje bi vas mogle identificirati.

Međutim, postavljeni kolačići upotrebljavaju se za pohranu osobnih podataka, kao što su internetske stranice koje ste posjetili. Tvrtka Google će po potrebi proslijediti ove podatke trećim stranama.

Prigovor na oglašavanje koje je tvrtka Google usmjerila na temelju interesa možete uložiti u bilo kojem trenutku klikom na sljedeću poveznicu za izuzimanje: https://adssettings.google.com/

Uslugu Google Ads upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

f) GA Audience

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava GA Audience, uslugu tvrtke Google. Usluga GA Audience upotrebljava, među ostalim, kolačiće koji se pohranjuju na vašem računalu i drugim mobilnim uređajima (npr. pametnim telefonima, tablet računalima itd.) i koji omogućuju analizu upotrebe odgovarajućih uređaja. Podaci se pritom djelomično analiziraju na svim uređajima. GA Audience pritom dobiva pristup kolačićima koji su postavljeni u okviru upotrebe usluga Google AdWords i Google Analytics. U okviru upotrebe podaci, kao što su IP adresa i aktivnosti korisnika, mogu se prenijeti na poslužitelj tvrtke Google LLC i tamo pohraniti. Tvrtka Google LLC po potrebi će prenijeti ove informacije trećim stranama ako je to zakonski propisano ili ako treće strane obrađuju te podatke. Prikupljanje i prosljeđivanje osobnih podataka (posebno vaše IP adrese) i obradu tih podataka možete spriječiti deaktiviranjem izvođenja Java Scripta u vašem pregledniku ili instaliranjem alata kao što je „NoScript“. Osim toga, možete spriječiti i da tvrtka Google prikuplja podatke koje prikupljaju Google kolačići i koji su povezani s vašom upotrebom internetske stranice (uključujući vašu IP adresu) i da obrađuje te podatke preuzimanjem i instaliranjem programskog dodatka za preglednik koji je dostupan na sljedećoj poveznici (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de). Više informacija o zaštiti podataka prilikom upotrebe usluge GA Audience možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici:


Uslugu GA Audience upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

g) Google Remarketing

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava uslugu Google Remarketing. Ovo je postupak kojim vas želimo ponovno kontaktirati. Ova vam aplikacija omogućuje da vidite naše oglase tijekom daljnje upotrebe interneta nakon što posjetite našu internetsku stranicu. To se obavlja uz pomoć kolačića koji su pohranjeni u vašem pregledniku i putem kojih tvrtka Google bilježi i analizira vaše ponašanje prilikom posjeta različitim internetskim stranicama. Tvrtka Google na taj način može utvrditi vaš prethodni posjet našoj internetskoj stranici. Prema vlastitim izjavama, tvrtka Google ne povezuje podatke prikupljene u okviru remarketinga s vašim osobnim podacima koje tvrtka Google eventualno pohranjuje. Prema tvrtki Google, u remarketingu se posebno upotrebljava pseudonimizacija.

Uslugu Google Remarketing upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

h) Microsoft Advertising (ranije Bing Ads)

U okviru upotrebe usluge oglašavanja Microsoft Advertising upotrebljavamo alat Microsoft Conversion Tracking. Pritom se na vaše računalo postavlja kolačić ako ste preko Microsoft Advertising oglasa dospjeli na našu stranicu. Klijenti koji upotrebljavaju uslugu Microsoft Advertising saznaju ukupni broj korisnika koji su kliknuli na njihov oglas i bili preusmjereni na stranicu označenu oznakom za praćenje konverzije (npr. prijava putem obrasca za kontakt). Kolačiće za praćenje konverzija također možete deaktivirati postavljanjem vašeg preglednika da blokira kolačiće s domene „flex.msn.com”.

Uslugu Microsoft Advertising upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a. S tim povezani prijenos podataka u SAD kao treću zemlju bez odgovarajuće razine zaštite podataka obavlja se samo na temelju vaše privole u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenice 1. točke (a) OUZP-a u oglasnoj traci s kolačićima. Pristali ste na sljedeće:

Suglasan/suglasna sam s upotrebom kolačića, iako sam obaviješten/a da će se podaci prenijeti u SAD i da tamo ne mogu u dovoljnoj mjeri ostvariti svoje pravo na pravno saslušanje u skladu s europskim načelima te da stoga ne može biti zajamčena odgovarajuća razina zaštite podataka.

Primatelj podataka: Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, SAD

Pravna osnova za prijenos su standardne ugovorne klauzule EU-a u skladu s člankom 46. stavkom 2. točkom (c) OUZP-a.

i) The Trade Desk

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava tehnologiju ponovnog ciljanja korisnika tvrtke The Trade Desk, Inc. („The Trade Desk“). Posjetiteljima internetske stranice prikazuju se oglasi u skladu s interesima u okviru mreže oglašavanja The Trade Desk. Preglednik posjetitelja internetskih stranica pohranjuje kolačiće koji omogućuju ponovno prepoznavanje posjetitelja kada posjeti internetske stranice koje pripadaju mreži oglašavanja The Trade Desk. Na tim se stranicama posjetitelju mogu prikazati oglasi koji se odnose na sadržaj koji je posjetitelj prethodno otvarao na internetskim stranicama koje upotrebljavaju tehnologiju ponovnog ciljanja korisnika tvrtke The Trade Desk. Prema vlastitim navodima, tvrtka The Trade Desk u ovom postupku prikuplja pseudonimizirane podatke.

Uslugu The Trade Desk upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a. S tim povezani prijenos podataka u SAD kao treću zemlju bez odgovarajuće razine zaštite podataka obavlja se samo na temelju vaše privole u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenice 1. točke (a) OUZP-a u oglasnoj traci s kolačićima. Pristali ste na sljedeće:

Suglasan/suglasna sam s upotrebom kolačića, iako sam obaviješten/a da će se podaci prenijeti u SAD i da tamo ne mogu u dovoljnoj mjeri ostvariti svoje pravo na pravno saslušanje u skladu s europskim načelima te da stoga ne može biti zajamčena odgovarajuća razina zaštite podataka.

Ako ipak ne želite upotrebu ove funkcije ponovnog ciljanja korisnika, možete je deaktivirati. Napominjemo da se deaktivacija mora provesti zasebno za svaki preglednik ili krajnji uređaj na jedan od sljedećih načina:

Izravno na The Trade Desk ovdje: https://www.adsrvr.org

Više informacija o tehnologiji ponovnog ciljanja korisnika tvrtke The Trade Desk, Izjavi o zaštiti podataka tvrtke The Trade Desk i mogućnostima izuzimanja možete pronaći na: www.thetradedesk.com/general/privacy.

Primatelj podataka: The Trade Desk Inc., 42 N Chestnut St, Ventura, California, CA – 9300, SAD

Pravna osnova za prijenos su standardne ugovorne klauzule EU-a u skladu s člankom 46. stavkom 2. točkom (c) OUZP-a.

j) YouTube videozapis umetnut putem funkcije iFrame u proširenom načinu zaštite podataka

YouTube, uslugu tvrtke Google, upotrebljavamo za prikazivanje videosadržaja. Radi zaštite vaše privatnosti aktivirali smo prošireni način zaštite podataka.

YouTube također upotrebljava kolačiće za prikupljanje informacija o posjetiteljima svoje internetske stranice. YouTube ih, između ostalog, upotrebljava za prikupljanje statističkih podataka videozapisa, sprečavanje prijevara i poboljšanje jednostavnosti upotrebe. Pozivanje videozapisa pritom u pravilu dovodi i do uspostavljanja veze s mrežom Google DoubleClick. Pokretanjem videozapisa mogu se pokrenuti daljnji postupci obrade podataka, osobito ako ste već prijavljeni na YouTube. Na to nemamo utjecaja.

Pritiskom na gumb za pokretanje na videozapisu pristajete na prijenos podataka tvrtki Google. Nakon toga vaš preglednik uspostavlja izravnu vezu s tvrtkom Google. Osim toga, upotrebljavaju se i druge usluge tvrtke Google (npr. Google Fonts).

Više informacija o zaštiti podataka na servisu YouTube možete pronaći u njihovoj Izjavi o zaštiti podataka (http://www.youtube.com/t/privacy_at_youtube).

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

k) Gumbi društvenih mreža

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava gumbe društvenih mreža (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) kako bi vam omogućila interakciju s trećim stranama.

Ovi gumbi društvenih mreža nisu integrirani kao dodaci putem takozvane funkcije iFrame, nego su pohranjeni kao poveznice. Pritiskom na gumbe društvenih mreža bit ćete preusmjereni izravno na stranicu odgovarajućeg pružatelja usluga. Za pridržavanje odredbi o zaštiti podataka te za točnost, aktualnost i potpunost tamo dostupnih informacija o obradi podataka odgovoran je odgovarajući pružatelj usluga u smislu članka 4. stavka 7. OUZP-a.

l) Facebook Custom Audience

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava uslugu „Facebook Custom Audience“ uz pomoć takozvanog postupka praćenja piksela bez proširene usporedbe popisa klijenata s Facebookom. Na taj način pokušavamo primati informacije za optimizaciju naše internetske stranice i poboljšanje doživljaja posjetitelja te vam po potrebi prikazati ciljane oglasne sadržaje putem Facebook platforme.

Facebook pritom može putem nevidljivog piksela integriranog u našu internetsku stranicu pratiti i evidentirati vaše posjete stranicama i vaše ponašanje na internetu, na primjer putem vaše IP adrese i drugih obilježja za identifikaciju.

Uslugu Facebook Custom Audience upotrebljavamo samo uz vašu privolu u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (a) OUZP-a.

Nakon postavljanja kolačića za izuzimanje zbog Facebook piksela više se ne provodi razmjena podataka s Facebookom.

Više informacija o Facebooku i postavkama privatnosti možete pronaći u Izjavi o zaštiti podataka tvrtke Facebook na https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Primatelj podataka: Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Irska

m) Facebook-Connect

Nudimo vam mogućnost prijave na našoj internetskoj stranici putem usluge Facebook Connect. Na taj način ne morate ponovno unositi svoje podatke za registraciju jer ih dobivamo od Facebooka. Za prijavu prikupljamo vašu adresu e-pošte i vašu lozinku pohranjene na Facebooku i te ih u svrhu provjere autentičnosti šifrirane šaljemo Facebooku. Pritom se vaša IP adresa prenosi na Facebook.

Prijava na Facebook povezuje vaš Facebook profil s našom uslugom. Povezivanjem s Facebookom automatski dobivamo sljedeće informacije iz vašeg javnog Facebook profila:

iz tih podataka upotrebljavamo isključivo vaše ime i prezime, adresu e-pošte, datum rođenja, adresu, XXX. Ti su podaci nužni za otvaranje vašeg korisničkog računa kod nas radi identifikacije. (Ako se upotrebljavaju drugi podaci, potrebno je zasebno navesti svrhu obrade podataka).

U svakom trenutku možete uložiti prigovor na daljnju upotrebu podataka koje je prenio Facebook. U tu svrhu izbrišite svoj korisnički račun i izradite novi korisnički račun izravnim unosom za to potrebnih podataka na našoj internetskoj stranici, a da pritom ne morate ponovno pristupiti usluzi Facebook Connect.

Više informacija o usluzi Facebook Connect i postavkama privatnosti možete pronaći u odjeljcima Napomene o zaštiti podataka i Uvjeti upotrebe tvrtke Facebook Inc.

Primatelj podataka: Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Irska

n) DoubleClick by Google

DoubleClick by Google upotrebljava kolačiće kako bi vam se prikazali oglasi koji su vam relevantni. Pritom se vašem pregledniku dodjeljuje pseudonimizirani identifikacijski broj kako bi se provjerilo koji su se oglasi prikazivali u vašem pregledniku i koji su oglasi otvarani. Kolačići ne sadrže osobne podatke. Upotreba kolačića DoubleClick tvrtki Google i njezinim partnerskim internetskim stranicama omogućuje prikazivanje oglasa samo na temelju prethodnih posjeta našim ili drugim internetskim stranicama na internetu. Informacije koje prikupljaju kolačići prenosi i pohranjuje tvrtka Google radi analize. Tvrtka Google će te podatke prenijeti trećim stranama samo ako je to zakonski propisano ili u okviru obrade naloga. Tvrtka Google neće objedinjavati vaše podatke s drugim prikupljenim podacima.

Ako se ne slažete s ovim oblikom obrade, možete spriječiti pohranjivanje kolačića odgovarajućom postavkom u pregledniku. Osim toga, možete spriječiti i da tvrtka Google prikuplja podatke koje prikupljaju kolačići i koji su povezani s vašom upotrebom internetske stranice i da obrađuje te podatke preuzimanjem i instaliranjem programskog dodatka za preglednik koji možete preuzeti ovdje <https://support.google.com/ads/answer/7395996?hl=de>. Alternativno, kolačiće DoubleClick možete deaktivirati i na ovoj stranici < http://www.google.com/ads/preferences/html/opt-out.html>.

Primatelj podataka: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irska

o) Platforma za upravljanje privolama tvrtke Usercentrics

Na našoj internetskoj stranici upotrebljavamo uslugu upravljanja privolama Cookiebot tvrtke Usercentrics.

Putem kolačića i piksela koji se postavljaju u preglednik obrađuju se sljedeći podaci: podaci o uključivanju i izuzimanju, referentni URL, korisnički agent, korisničke postavke, ID privole, vrijeme privole, vrsta privole, inačica predloška, jezik oglasne trake.

Svrha obrade podataka je prikupljanje, upravljanje i dokumentiranje privolama korisnika za kolačiće i alate koji se upotrebljavaju na našoj internetskoj stranici te informiranje korisnika o tome.

Pravna osnova za obradu podataka je članak 6. stavak 1. točka (c) OUZP-a.

Primatelj: Usercentrics A/S, Havnegade 39, 1058 Kopenhagen, Danska

p) Amazon Advertising

Naša internetska stranica upotrebljava uslugu „Amazon Advertising” koja oglašivačima omogućuje prikazivanje oglasa. Osim ciljanja na kontekstualnoj osnovi (npr. ponašanje pri kupnji, preferencije u pogledu proizvoda), prikaz oglasa može se odvijati i prema demografiji (npr. spol, dob, obrazovanje, prihod), geografiji (npr. savezna država, poštanski broj), vremenu (satno) i tehnologiji (npr. vrsta uređaja, operacijski sustav, preglednik).

Pravna osnova za obradu podataka je članak 6. stavak 1. točka (a) OUZP-a.

Primatelj: Amazon.com, 38 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 (Luksemburg)

q) Google Beacons

r) Polyfill

Polyfill je skripta ili modul koda pomoću kojeg se u pregledniku mogu naknadno ugraditi funkcije koje nedostaju, ali postoje u novijim preglednicima.

Polyfill.io olakšava podršku različitim preglednicima tako što pokušava oponašati funkcije koje nedostaju uz pomoć Polyfilla: možete upotrebljavati najnovije i najbolje funkcije u preglednicima koji ih podržavaju i preglednicima koji ih ne podržavaju. Podaci se obrađuju u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (f) OUZP-a. Naš je legitimni interes osigurati funkcionalnost naših usluga.

s) Friendly Captcha

Na našoj internetskoj stranici upotrebljavamo uslugu Friendly Captcha koja omogućuje razlikovanje između unosa podataka koji obavlja fizička osoba ili automatiziranog odnosno strojnog unosa podataka. Pritom se IP adresa i eventualno drugi podaci koje Friendly Captcha treba za uslugu prosljeđuju na Friendly Captcha. Tvrtka Friendly Captcha odmah anonimizira IP adresu posjetitelja internetske stranice. Podaci se obrađuju u skladu s člankom 6. stavkom 1. rečenicom 1. točkom (f) OUZP-a. Naš je legitimni interes utvrditi potječe li zahtjev zaista od fizičke osobe i treba li ga obraditi te na taj način izbjeći nepotrebno razvrstavanje neželjene pošte.

Više informacija o zaštiti podataka u tvrtki Friendly Captcha možete pronaći u pripadajućoj Izjavi o zaštiti podataka: friendlycaptcha.com/de/legal/privacy-end-users/

Primatelj podataka: Friendly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3-5, 82237 Woerthsee

8. Dodatne napomene i odredbe o pojedinim uslugama

a) Bilten/priopćenje za tisak

Na vaš izričit zahtjev šaljemo vam naš bilten, odnosno priopćenja za tisak o temama koje ste odabrali, kao i informacije o našem poduzeću. Napominjemo da se dostava može obaviti tek nakon što još jednom izričito potvrdite svoj zahtjev kao dio našeg postupka dvostrukog uključivanja.

Osobni podaci prikupljeni u okviru prijave za bilten/priopćenja za tisak upotrebljavaju se isključivo za slanje i personalizaciju biltena/priopćenja za tisak (npr. kako bismo vam se obratili vašim imenom i prezimenom). Privolu za pohranu osobnih podataka koju ste nam dali za slanje biltena/priopćenja za tisak možete u svakom trenutku povući s učinkom na budućnost. U svrhu povlačenja privole svaki bilten/priopćenje za tisak sadrži odgovarajuću poveznicu „Odjava”; alternativno nas možete i izravno kontaktirati kako bismo mogli provesti vaše povlačenje.

b) Obrazac za kontakt

Podaci koje nam pošaljete putem našeg obrasca za kontakt obrađuju se u svrhu komunikacije i razmjene podataka, dakle kako bismo odgovorili na vaš konkretan upit. Ti se podaci pohranjuju sve dok je njihova obrada potrebna za te svrhe, odnosno dok ne isteknu eventualni naknadni rokovi pohrane.

c) Pronalaženje prodajnog predstavnika

Osim toga, kao poslovni kupac putem svog poštanskog broja možete pretraživati podatke za kontakt odgovarajućeg prodajnog predstavnika u svojoj blizini. Poštanski se broj ne pohranjuje preko pretrage.

d) Nagradna igra

Povremeno možete sudjelovati u nagradnim igrama ili sličnim akcijama na našoj internetskoj stranici. U okviru ovih akcija u svrhu obrade mogu se prikupljati i pohranjivati i osobni podaci čiji opseg možete vidjeti u odgovarajućem obrascu za sudjelovanje. Podaci koji nam nisu nužno potrebni za provedbu nagradne igre, ali nam, npr. omogućuju da vas u slučaju osvajanja nagrade brže obavijestimo, izričito su označeni kao dobrovoljni podaci. Osobni podaci koje nam proslijedite u okviru takve nagradne igre upotrebljavat će se isključivo za provedbu nagradne igre (u slučaju nagradne igre npr. za utvrđivanje dobitnika, obavještavanje o dobitniku i slanje nagrade). Po završetku nagradne igre podaci sudionika koji nisu osvojili nagradu brišu se odmah ili, u slučaju dobitnika, nakon isteka zakonske obveze pohrane.

e) Postupak prijave za radno mjesto putem interneta

Nudimo vam mogućnost prijave za radno mjesto putem interneta. U tu vam je svrhu na raspolaganju naš online sustav za prijavu za radno mjesto. Možete mu pristupiti putem rubrike „Poduzeće, karijera”. Prijenos podataka koje ste unijeli i privitaka datoteka koje ste poslali odvija se putem veze sigurne za prijenos. Vaše elektroničke podatke za prijavu za radno mjesto prima nadležni odjel za ljudske resurse i prosljeđuje ih samo stručnom odjelu nadležnom za odnosno radno mjesto, odnosno osobama kojima je povjerena obrada. Sve uključene osobe postupat će s vašom prijavnom dokumentacijom s dužnom pažnjom i apsolutnom povjerljivošću.

Po završetku postupka odabira kandidata vašu ćemo prijavnu dokumentaciju čuvati još
3 mjeseca, a nakon toga ćemo je izbrisati, odnosno uništiti sve kopije, osim ako s vama nismo sklopili ugovor o radu. Ako vašu prijavnu dokumentaciju budemo željeli uključiti u našu bazu kandidata, kontaktirat ćemo vas u vezi s tim. U obavijesti možete aktivno pristati na daljnju pohranu svoje dokumentacije. Ako pristanete na pohranu svoje dokumentacije, dokumenti će biti pohranjeni kod nas godinu dana.

Napominjemo da nam se prijave za radno mjesto koje nam pošaljete e-poštom prenose nešifrirane. Stoga preporučujemo upotrebu online portala za prijavu za radno mjesto.

Osim toga, želimo vas obavijestiti o usporedbi vaših osobnih podataka s popisima terorista UN-a i EU-a u skladu s člancima 13. i 14. OUZP-a.

Pritom se obrađuju sljedeći osobni podaci: ime i prezime i adresa. Podatke dobivamo u okviru vaše prijave za radno mjesto. EU-ovi i UN-ovi popisi terorista s usporednim podacima nalaze se u prilozima EU uredbi 881/2002, 2580/2001 i 735/2011. Na taj način provjeravamo da nemamo ugovorne odnose s osobama koje se nalaze na UN-ovom ili EU-ovom popisu terorista. Pravna osnova za obradu vaših podataka je članak 6. stavak 1. točka (f) OUZP-a. Naš je legitimni interes izbjeći novčane kazne koje bi proizašle iz propusta u provođenju takvih sigurnosnih provjera u skladu s člankom 130. stavkom 1. Zakona o prekršajima u vezi s člancima 17. i 18. Zakona o vanjskotrgovinskom poslovanju (nova verzija). Ako svoje podatke ne učinite raspoloživima u te svrhe, ne možemo stupiti u ugovorni odnos s vama.

Pristup vašim podacima ima samo unaprijed određeni, ograničeni krug naših djelatnika (odjel za ljudske resurse) te pružatelj usluga FORMAT Software Service GmbH koji je angažiran za uspoređivanje podataka. U slučaju pozitivnih rezultata, pristup vašim podacima dodatno dobivaju sljedeći primatelji: vanjski službenik za zaštitu podataka, Savezni ured za gospodarstvo i kontrolu izvoza (BAFA), voditelj odjela za ljudske resurse i uprava.

Podaci se ne prenose u treće zemlje.

Rezultat usporedbe podataka, uključujući informacije o vremenu, provjerit će se odmah čim od nas dobijete potvrdu, a zatim izbrisati. U slučaju pozitivnog rezultata postoji iznimka: vaši će se podaci čuvati još 6 godina nakon završetka pravnog postupka koji je time pokrenut.

f) Internetska trgovina

Na našoj internetskoj stranici nudimo vam internetsku trgovinu u kojoj možete kupiti proizvode naše tvrtke.

Vaše podatke koje smo tamo prikupili upotrebljavamo za provedbu ugovora, posebno kako bismo vam omogućili kupnju i isporuku proizvoda te plaćanje.

Za to potrebne podatke prosljeđujemo pružatelju usluga dopreme kojeg ste odabrali u svrhu provedbe dopreme i dostave.

Prosljeđujemo i podatke potrebne za provedbu plaćanja i eventualno upravljanje rizikom pružatelju usluga plaćanja kojeg ste odabrali. Primjenjuju se sljedeće dodatne informacije i propisi:

i) Način plaćanja Klarna

U okviru naše internetske trgovine omogućujemo vam plaćanje putem pružatelja usluga plaćanja Klarna. Klarna pruža i druge usluge, kao što su zaštita kupaca ili provjera identiteta i platne sposobnosti.

Ako u internetskoj trgovini odaberete pružatelja usluga plaćanja Klarna, podaci se automatski prenose tvrtki Klarna. Ovdje izričito pristajete na prijenos osobnih podataka (ime i prezime, adresa, adresa e-pošte, IP adresa, telefonski broj(evi), spol te stvarni podaci o plaćanju (npr. IBAN, broj kreditne kartice, podaci o narudžbi, podaci o isporuci)) u svrhu provođenja plaćanja te eventualne provjere identiteta i platne sposobnosti ako se odlučite za način plaćanja „Klarna”.

Podaci se pritom razmjenjuju ne samo u svrhu provedbe plaćanja, nego i u svrhu identifikacije, sprečavanja prijevara te umanjenja našeg rizika neplaćanja, a u tom se smislu eventualno razmjenjuju i podaci o ekonomskoj situaciji te o prošlim kupnjama i ponašanju u plaćanju. U tom kontekstu Klarna razmjenjuje podatke i s kreditnim agencijama ako postoji legitiman interes za to i ako to nije u suprotnosti s legitimnim interesima dotične osobe.

Osim toga, Klarna provodi postupak ocjenjivanja na temelju vašeg dosadašnjeg ponašanja u plaćanju, kao i statističku procjenu rizika vašeg budućeg ponašanja u plaćanju kako bi donijela odluku o sklapanju i provedbi ugovora. Ocjenjivanje se obavlja na temelju priznatih matematičkih i statističkih postupaka.

Podaci se mogu proslijediti povezanim poduzećima; to vrijedi i za pružatelje usluga u nastavku (izvršitelji obrade, zajedničke odgovorne osobe te treće strane ako je to potrebno za provedbu ugovora).

Prethodnu privolu za Klarnu možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku s učinkom za budućnost. Povlačenje pritom ne utječe na prijenose provedene u prošlosti.

Izjavu o zaštiti podataka tvrtke Klarna možete pronaći na https://cdn.klarna.com/1.0/shared/content/policy/data/de_de/data_protection.pdf.

Primatelj podataka: Klarna AB, Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Švedska.

ii) Način plaćanja PayPal

U okviru naše internetske trgovine omogućujemo vam plaćanje putem pružatelja usluga plaćanja PayPal. Plaćanje se pritom odvija putem usluge PayPal ili putem usluge PayPal putem vaše kreditne kartice ili bankovnog računa. Osim toga, tvrtka PayPal nudi zaštitu kupca i fiducijarne usluge.

Ako u internetskoj trgovini odaberete pružatelja usluga plaćanja PayPal, podaci se automatski prenose tvrtki PayPal. Ovdje izričito pristajete na prijenos osobnih podataka (ime i prezime, adresa, adresa e-pošte, IP adresa, telefonski broj(evi), podaci o narudžbi, podaci o isporuci) u svrhu provođenja plaćanja i sprečavanja prijevara ako se odlučite za način plaćanja PayPal.

Podaci se pritom razmjenjuju ne samo u svrhu provedbe plaćanja, nego i u svrhu identifikacije, sprečavanja prijevara te umanjenja našeg rizika neplaćanja, a u tom se smislu eventualno razmjenjuju i podaci o ekonomskoj situaciji te o prošlim kupnjama i ponašanju u plaćanju. U tom kontekstu tvrtka PayPal razmjenjuje podatke i s kreditnim agencijama ako postoji legitiman interes za to i ako to nije u suprotnosti s legitimnim interesima dotične osobe.

Podaci se mogu proslijediti povezanim poduzećima; to vrijedi i za pružatelje usluga u nastavku (izvršitelji obrade, zajedničke odgovorne osobe te treće strane ako je to potrebno za provedbu ugovora).

Prethodnu privolu za uslugu PayPal možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku s učinkom za budućnost. Povlačenje pritom ne utječe na prijenose provedene u prošlosti.

Važeće odredbe o zaštiti podataka tvrtke PayPal dostupne su na www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full.

Primatelj podataka: PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. & Cie. S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luksemburg

iii) Način plaćanja trenutačnim prijenosom

U okviru naše internetske trgovine omogućujemo vam plaćanje putem trenutačnog prijenosa pružatelja usluga plaćanja SOFORT GmbH.

Prethodno navedeni način plaćanja omogućuje nam kao prodavatelju potvrdu plaćanja u stvarnom vremenu, tako da možemo odmah započeti s isporukom vaše narudžbe.

Ako odaberete način plaćanja „Trenutačni prijenos”, podaci se automatski prenose tvrtki SOFORT GmbH. Ovdje izričito pristajete na prijenos osobnih podataka (ime i prezime, adresa, adresa e-pošte, IP adresa, telefonski broj(evi), bankovni podaci, PIN, TAN, kupovna cijena) u svrhu provođenja plaćanja i sprečavanja prijevara ako se odlučite za način plaćanja putem trenutačnog prijenosa.

Podaci se pritom razmjenjuju ne samo u svrhu provedbe plaćanja, nego i u svrhu identifikacije, sprečavanja prijevara, a u tom se smislu eventualno razmjenjuju i podaci o ekonomskoj situaciji te o prošlim kupnjama i ponašanju u plaćanju. U tom kontekstu tvrtka SOFORT GmbH razmjenjuje podatke i s kreditnim agencijama ako postoji legitiman interes za to i ako to nije u suprotnosti s legitimnim interesima dotične osobe.

Podaci se mogu proslijediti povezanim poduzećima; to vrijedi i za pružatelje usluga u nastavku (izvršitelji obrade, zajedničke odgovorne osobe te treće strane ako je to potrebno za provedbu ugovora).

Prethodnu privolu za tvrtku SOFORT GmbH možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku s učinkom za budućnost. Povlačenje pritom ne utječe na prijenose provedene u prošlosti.

Važeće odredbe o zaštiti podataka tvrtke SOFORT GmbH dostupne su na www.klarna.com/sofort/datenschutz/.

Primatelj podataka: SOFORT GmbH, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 München, Njemačka.

g) Korisnički račun

Na našoj internetskoj stranici privatnim i poslovnim korisnicima nudimo mogućnost izrade osobnog korisničkog računa. Korisnički račun omogućuje vam personaliziranu upotrebu i povezivanje usluga koje ste odabrali na našoj internetskoj stranici te spremanje vaših preferiranih postavki.

Prije prve upotrebe morate se jednokratno registrirati.

h) Forum

Imate mogućnost pisanja komentara na našem LIQUI MOLY forumu. Za registraciju na forumu potrebni su nam vaše ime i prezime, korisničko ime, lozinka i adresa e-pošte. Te podatke tražimo kako bismo potaknuli transparentniju i individualniju komunikaciju između sudionika foruma. Pohranjivanje ovih informacija služi i za sprečavanje neželjene pošte.

Otkrivanje podataka koje ste naveli u tom kontekstu izričito je dobrovoljno i uz vaš pristanak. Osobne podatke koje nam na taj način dostavite upotrebljavamo isključivo u svrhu u koju ste nam dali svoje podatke. Naravno, svoju izjavu o privoli možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku s učinkom u budućnosti ili u bilo kojem trenutku zatražiti brisanje registracije na našem forumu. Za tu svrhu pošaljite poruku e-pošte na adresu: datenschutz(at)liqui-moly.de.

i) Obrada podataka u svrhu izravnog oglašavanja

Reklamna pošta

U mjeri dopuštenoj zakonom, upotrijebit ćemo i vaše ime i prezime te poštansku adresu koja nam je poznata za slanje reklama za vlastite ponude. Pravna osnova je
članak 6. stavak 1. točka (f) u vezi s uvodnom izjavom 47. OUZP-a. Naš legitimni interes je promicanje prodaje ili potražnje kod naših postojećih klijenata. Naravno, u svakom trenutku možete uložiti prigovor na obradu vaših podataka u reklamne svrhe. Dovoljna je obavijest u tekstnom obliku na gore navedene podatke za kontakt. Nakon toga ćemo izbrisati vaše podatke iz našeg popisa za slanje e-pošte. Podaci koji potvrđuju vaš prigovor zatim će se čuvati još 6 godina u skladu s člankom 17. stavkom 3. točkom (e) OUZP-a. Međutim, tijekom tog razdoblja blokiramo daljnju obradu vaših osobnih podataka.

Telefonsko oglašavanje

U mjeri dopuštenoj zakonom, kod poslovnih klijenata po potrebi upotrebljavamo i vaše ime i prezime, pripadnost tvrtki i navedeni telefonski broj kako bismo vas informirali o vlastitim ponudama, pod pretpostavkom da ste zainteresirani. Pravna osnova je članak 6. stavak 1. Točka (f) u vezi s uvodnom izjavom 47. OUZP-a, članak 7. stavak 2. br. 2 Zakona o nepoštenom tržišnom natjecanju. Naš legitimni interes je promicanje prodaje ili potražnje kod naših postojećih poslovnih klijenata. Naravno, u svakom trenutku možete uložiti prigovor na obradu vaših podataka u reklamne svrhe. Dovoljna je obavijest u tekstnom obliku na gore navedene podatke za kontakt. Nakon toga ćemo izbrisati vaše podatke iz našeg popisa za slanje e-pošte. Podaci koji potvrđuju vaš prigovor zatim će se čuvati još 6 godina u skladu s člankom 17. stavkom 3. točkom (e) OUZP-a. Međutim, tijekom tog razdoblja blokiramo daljnju obradu vaših osobnih podataka.

j) Istraživanje tržišta i mišljenja

Vaše podatke (podaci o inventaru vašeg korisničkog računa, eventualno ostali dobrovoljno navedeni podaci, podaci o transakcijama kod narudžbi u internetskoj trgovini) upotrebljavamo u svrhu istraživanja tržišta i mišljenja ako ste dali odgovarajuću privolu.

Za to ste dali sljedeću privolu:

Suglasan/suglasna sam da tvrtka LIQUI MOLY obrađuje i upotrebljava moje osobne podatke za istraživanje tržišta i mišljenja u vlastite svrhe kako bi se ponuda tvrtke LIQUI MOLY mogla dodatno poboljšati.[LP21] 

9.     Društvene mreže

a) Općenito

Napominjemo da su naše stranice obožavatelja na društvenim mrežama samo još jedna od mogućnosti da s nama stupite u kontakt ili da od nas dobijete informacije. Alternativno se informacije koje se nude putem naših stranica obožavatelja npr. mogu pozvati i na našoj internetskoj stranici.

Dodatne informacije o pojedinim društvenim mrežama možete pronaći u sljedećim točkama.

Kategorije odnosnih osoba:

Posjetitelji naše stranice obožavatelja, registrirani i neregistrirani na društvenoj mreži.

Odnosnim osobama skrećemo pozornost da društvene mreže i pripadajuće funkcije upotrebljavaju na vlastitu odgovornost. To posebice vrijedi za upotrebu interaktivnih funkcija (npr. dijeljenje, ocjenjivanje).

Kategorije osobnih podataka:

Podaci koje obrađujemo od registriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

ID korisnika ili korisničko ime pod kojim ste se registrirali, odobreni podaci profila (npr. ime i prezime, zanimanje, adresa, podaci za kontakt, eventualno i posebne kategorije osobnih podataka kao što su vjerska pripadnost, podaci o zdravlju itd.), podaci koji nastaju prilikom dijeljenja sadržaja, razmjene poruka i komunikacije, podaci koji su potrebni u okviru sklapanja i izvršenja ugovora na zahtjev registriranih posjetitelja; inače obrađujemo samo pseudonimizirane podatke poput statistike i uvida u način na koji ljudi stupaju u interakciju s našom stranicom obožavatelja, objavama, stranicama, videozapisima i drugim sadržajima koji su na njoj ponuđeni (aktivnosti na stranicama, posjeti stranicama, informacije o „sviđa mi se”, doseg, opće demografske informacije, informacije o lokaciji i interesima vezane uz dob, spol, zemlju, grad, jezik), procjene uspješnosti i pozadine naših oglasa.

Pseudonimizirane podatke ne možemo sami povezati s odgovarajućim obilježjem identifikacije (npr. ime i prezime). To znači da nam nije moguće identificirati pojedinačne posjetitelje, koji stoga za nas ostaju anonimni.

Podaci koje obrađujemo od neregistriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

pseudonimizirani podaci poput statistike i uvida u način na koji ljudi stupaju u interakciju s našom stranicom obožavatelja, objavama, stranicama, videozapisima i drugim sadržajima koji su na njoj ponuđeni (aktivnosti na stranicama, posjeti stranicama, informacije o „sviđa mi se”, doseg, opće demografske informacije, informacije o lokaciji i interesima vezane uz dob, spol, zemlju, grad, jezik), procjene uspješnosti i pozadine naših oglasa.

Pseudonimizirane podatke ne možemo sami povezati s odgovarajućim obilježjem identifikacije (npr. ime i prezime). To znači da nam nije moguće identificirati pojedinačne posjetitelje, koji stoga za nas ostaju anonimni.

Izvor podatakaPodatke dobivamo od odnosnih osoba izravno ili od vlasnika platforme.
Pravna osnova za obradu podataka

Podaci se obrađuju na temelju sljedećih pravnih osnova:

  • članak 6. stavak 1. rečenica 1. točka (a) OUZP-a: privola odnosnih osoba
  • članak 6. stavak 1. rečenica 1. točka (b) OUZP-a: ispunjavanje ugovora s odnosnom osobom ili provođenje predugovornih mjera na zahtjev odnosne osobe
  • članak 6. stavak 1. rečenica 1. točka (f) OUZP-a, legitimni interes
  • Pojednostavljivanje komunikacije i razmjene podataka smislenom dopunom postojećih komunikacijskih kanala, kao što su internetska stranica, priopćenja za tisak, tiskani proizvodi i događanja putem stranice obožavatelja
  • Poticanje prodaje naših proizvoda i usluga ili potražnje, kao i privlačenje mladih osoba transparentnim nastupom i redovitim objavama.
  • Optimizacija naše stranice obožavatelja

Posebne kategorije osobnih podataka obrađujemo samo na temelju sljedećih pravnih osnova:

  • članak 9. stavak 2. točka (a) OUZP-a: privola odnosne osobe
  • članak 9. stavak 2. točka (e) OUZP-a: odnosna osoba je osobne podatke učinila javno dostupnima
Svrha obrade podataka

Podaci se obrađuju u sljedeće svrhe:

  • Vanjsko zastupanje i oglašavanje
  • Komunikacija i razmjena podataka
  • Upravljanje događajima
  • Sklapanje i izvršenje ugovora
Kategorije primatelja, prijenos u treće zemljePristup podacima koje obrađujemo imaju samo naši djelatnici i pružatelji usluga koji upravljaju našom stranicom obožavatelja i koji trebaju podatke u gore navedene svrhe. Ako odnosne osobe javno objavljuju svoje podatke na našoj stranici obožavatelja, oni su dostupni drugim registriranim i eventualno neregistriranim posjetiteljima. I iz trećih zemalja.
Prava odnosnih osoba

Odnosne osobe imaju različita prava u pogledu obrade osobnih podataka, koja mogu ostvariti izravno protiv vlasnika platforme na temelju sporazuma u smislu članka 26. stavka 1. OUZP-a. Detaljnije informacije o pravima odnosnih osoba možete pronaći u našoj Izjavi o zaštiti podataka.


Osim toga, odnosne osobe u načelu imaju pravo ne podlijegati automatiziranoj pojedinačnoj odluci u skladu s člankom 22. stavkom 1. OUZP-a. Ako takva automatizirana pojedinačna odluka dopuštena u skladu s člankom 22. stavkom 2 točkama od (a) do (c) OUZP-a, odnosnim osobama dodijeljena su sljedeća prava u skladu s člankom 22. stavkom 3. OUZP-a: Pravo na iznošenje vlastitog stajališta, pravo na prigovor za dobivanje ljudske intervencije od strane odgovorne osobe, pravo na osporavanje automatizirane pojedinačne odluke (pravo na osporavanje).


Više informacija o društvenim mrežama i o tome kako odnosne osobe mogu zaštititi svoje podatke možete pronaći i ovdje: https://www.youngdata.de/.

b) Facebook i Instagram

Društvena mreža:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/

Odgovorna osoba s kojom se zajednički upravlja stranicom obožavatelja („vlasnik platforme“):Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2, Irska
U sporazumu u skladu s članom 26 stavkom 1. OUZP-a između zajedničkih odgovornih osoba utvrđeno je tko ispunjava koju obvezu u skladu s OUZP-om

Sporazum u smislu članka 26. stavka 1. OUZP-a možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici:


Vlasnik platforme odnosnim osobama na raspolaganje stavlja bitne sadržaje ovog sporazuma. Nemamo utjecaja na to koristi li se tvrtka vlasnik platforme stvarno podacima ili na koji način (svrha, pohrana, brisanje, otkrivanje, prijenos, profiliranje). Ni u tom smislu nemamo učinkovite mogućnosti kontrole.

Podaci za kontakt za zaštitu podataka:Službeniku za zaštitu podataka vlasnika platforme možete se obratiti putem sljedećeg internetskog obrasca: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/540977946302970
Pravna osnova za obradu podataka

Pravne osnove na kojima vlasnik platforme temelji obradu podataka mogu se pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:



Prijenos podataka u treće zemlje


Vlasnik platforme prenosi podatke u Sjedinjene Američke Države, Irsku i bilo koju drugu zemlju u kojoj tvrtka Facebook posluje, te ih tamo pohranjuje i obrađuje na drugi način, neovisno o mjestu prebivališta odnosnih osoba.

S time povezani prijenosi podataka u treće zemlje osigurani su odlukom o primjerenosti Komisije EU-a u skladu s člankom 45. OUZP-a ili odgovarajućim jamstvima u skladu s člankom 46. OUZP-a:



Više informacija

Više informacija, posebice o kategorijama osobnih podataka, izvoru podataka, razdoblju pohrane, svrsi obrade podataka i kategorijama primatelja, možete pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:




Nadzorno tijelo nadležno za vlasnika platforme (članak 77. OUZP-a)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Irska

Internetska stranica: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us

c) Twitter

Društvena mreža:Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Odgovorna tvrtka s kojom zajedno upravljamo našim Twitter računom („stranica obožavatelja“) („vlasnik platforme“):

Twitter International Company

One Cumberland Place

Fenian Street

Dublin 2 D02 AX07


U sporazumu u skladu s članom 26 stavkom 1. OUZP-a između zajedničkih odgovornih osoba utvrđeno je tko ispunjava koju obvezu u skladu s OUZP-om

Sporazum u smislu članka 26. stavka 1. OUZP-a možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://gdpr.twitter.com/en/controller-to-controller-transfers.html

Vlasnik platforme odnosnim osobama na raspolaganje stavlja bitne sadržaje ovog sporazuma. Nemamo utjecaja na to koristi li se tvrtka vlasnik platforme stvarno podacima ili na koji način (svrha, pohrana, brisanje, otkrivanje, prijenos, profiliranje). Ni u tom smislu nemamo učinkovite mogućnosti kontrole.

Podaci za kontakt za zaštitu podataka:

Službeniku za zaštitu podataka vlasnika platforme možete se obratiti putem sljedećih internetskih obrazaca:

https://support.twitter.com/forms/privacy https://twitter.ethicspointvp.com/custom/twitter/forms/data/form_data.asp

Kategorije osobnih podataka:

Podaci koje obrađujemo od registriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

Podaci koji nastaju prilikom ponovnog tweetanja tweetova i pri sastavljanju tweetova koji upućuju na Twitter račun odnosnih osoba, ostali podaci i sadržaji koje odnosne osobe slobodno objavljuju na Twitteru odnosno preko svog Twitter računa; inače možemo vidjeti samo određene, neosobne ili pseudonimizirane podatke o aktivnosti tweeta, npr. broj klikova na profil ili poveznice putem određenog tweeta.

Podaci koje obrađujemo od neregistriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

Možemo vidjeti samo određene, neosobne ili pseudonimizirane podatke o aktivnosti tweeta, npr. broj klikova na profil ili poveznice putem određenog tweeta.

Pravna osnova za obradu podatakaPravne osnove na kojima vlasnik platforme temelji obradu podataka mogu se pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: twitter.com/de/privacy

Prijenos podataka u treće zemlje


Vlasnik platforme prenosi podatke u Sjedinjene Američke Države, Irsku i bilo koju drugu zemlju u kojoj tvrtka Twitter Inc. posluje, te ih tamo pohranjuje i obrađuje na drugi način, neovisno o mjestu prebivališta odnosnih osoba.

S time povezani prijenosi podataka u treće zemlje osigurani su odlukom o primjerenosti Komisije EU-a u skladu s člankom 45. OUZP-a ili odgovarajućim jamstvima u skladu s člankom 46. OUZP-a: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

Više informacija

Više informacija, posebice o kategorijama osobnih podataka, izvoru podataka, razdoblju pohrane, svrsi obrade podataka i kategorijama primatelja, možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://twitter.com/de/privacy


  • Mogućnosti ograničavanja obrade podataka odnosnim osobama dostupne su u općim postavkama njihovog Twitter računa te pod točkom „Zaštita podataka i sigurnost”. Osim toga, na mobilnim uređajima (pametnim telefonima, tablet računalima) vlasniku platforme u tamošnjim mogućnostima podešavanja možete ograničiti pristup podacima za kontakt i kalendaru, fotografijama, podacima o lokaciji itd. Međutim, to ovisi o operacijskom sustavu koji upotrebljavate.
  • O mogućnosti uvida u vlastite podatke kod vlasnika platforme, odnosne osobe mogu se informirati ovdje: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20172711#

O zaključcima koje je vlasnik platforme donio o njima, odnosne osobe mogu se informirati ovdje: https://twitter.com/your_twitter_data

Nadzorno tijelo nadležno za vlasnika platforme (članak 77. OUZP-a)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2

D02 RD28, Irska

Internetska stranica: www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us

d) YouTube

Društvena mreža:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Odgovorna osoba s kojom se zajednički upravlja stranicom obožavatelja („vlasnik platforme“):

Google Ireland Ltd.

Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4

Podaci za kontakt za zaštitu podataka:Službeniku za zaštitu podataka vlasnika platforme možete se obratiti putem sljedećeg internetskog obrasca: https://support.google.com/policies/contact/general_privacy_form
Pravna osnova za obradu podatakaPravne osnove na kojima vlasnik platforme temelji obradu podataka mogu se pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: policies.google.com/privacy/update

Prijenos podataka u treće zemlje


Vlasnik platforme prenosi podatke u Sjedinjene Američke Države, Irsku i bilo koju drugu zemlju u kojoj tvrtka Google posluje, te ih tamo pohranjuje i obrađuje na drugi način, neovisno o mjestu prebivališta odnosnih osoba. S time povezani prijenosi podataka u treće zemlje osigurani su odlukom o primjerenosti Komisije EU-a u skladu s člankom 45. OUZP-a ili odgovarajućim jamstvima u skladu s člankom 46. OUZP-a: policies.google.com/privacy/update
Više informacija

Više informacija, posebice o kategorijama osobnih podataka, izvoru podataka, razdoblju pohrane, svrsi obrade podataka i kategorijama primatelja, možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici:


Nadzorno tijelo nadležno za vlasnika platforme (članak 77. OUZP-a)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Irska

Internetska stranica: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us

e) LinkedIN

Društvena mreža:LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/
Odgovorna tvrtka s kojom zajedno upravljamo našim LinkedIn računom („stranica obožavatelja“) („vlasnik platforme“):

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Wilton Place

Dublin 2


U sporazumu u skladu s članom 26 stavkom 1. OUZP-a između zajedničkih odgovornih osoba utvrđeno je tko ispunjava koju obvezu u skladu s OUZP-om

Sporazum u smislu članka 26. stavka 1. OUZP-a možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://legal.linkedin.com/pages-joint-controller-addendum

Vlasnik platforme odnosnim osobama na raspolaganje stavlja bitne sadržaje ovog sporazuma. Nemamo utjecaja na to koristi li se tvrtka vlasnik platforme stvarno podacima ili na koji način (svrha, pohrana, brisanje, otkrivanje, prijenos, profiliranje). Ni u tom smislu nemamo učinkovite mogućnosti kontrole.

Podaci za kontakt za zaštitu podataka:Službeniku za zaštitu podataka vlasnika platforme možete se obratiti putem sljedećeg internetskog obrasca https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/TSO-DPO
Kategorije osobnih podataka:

Podaci koje obrađujemo od registriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

objavljeni podaci o profilu (podaci o profilu ProFindera, obrazovanje, radno iskustvo, predstava o zaradi, fotografija, podaci o lokaciji, znanje i potvrde znanja, profesionalna postignuća (npr. dodjela patenata, profesionalno priznanje, projekti)), ostali podaci i sadržaji koje odnosne osobe objavljuju, stavljaju na raspolaganje, distribuiraju, objavljuju ili učitavaju na LinkedIn ili na svom LinkedIn računu.

Pravna osnova za obradu podatakaPravne osnove na kojima vlasnik platforme temelji obradu podataka mogu se pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Prijenos podataka u treće zemlje


Vlasnik platforme prenosi podatke u Sjedinjene Američke Države, Irsku i bilo koju drugu zemlju u kojoj posluje, te ih tamo pohranjuje i obrađuje ​​na drugi način, neovisno o mjestu prebivališta odnosnih osoba.

S time povezani prijenosi podataka u treće zemlje osigurani su odlukom o primjerenosti Komisije EU-a u skladu s člankom 45. OUZP-a ili odgovarajućim jamstvima u skladu s člankom 46. OUZP-a:


Više informacija

Više informacija, posebice o kategorijama osobnih podataka, izvoru podataka, razdoblju pohrane, svrsi obrade podataka i kategorijama primatelja, možete pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:




Nadzorno tijelo nadležno za vlasnika platforme (članak 77. OUZP-a)

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Irska

Internetska stranica: https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/contact/how-contact-us 

e) Xing

Društvena mreža:Xing: www.xing.com
Odgovorna tvrtka s kojom zajedno upravljamo našim Xing računom („stranica obožavatelja“) („vlasnik platforme“):New Work SE, Am Strandkai 1, 20457 Hamburg, Njemačka
U sporazumu u skladu s članom 26 stavkom 1. OUZP-a između zajedničkih odgovornih osoba utvrđeno je tko ispunjava koju obvezu u skladu s OUZP-omNemamo utjecaja na to koristi li se tvrtka vlasnik platforme stvarno podacima ili na koji način (svrha, pohrana, brisanje, otkrivanje, prijenos, profiliranje). Ni u tom smislu nemamo učinkovite mogućnosti kontrole.
Podaci za kontakt za zaštitu podataka:

Službeniku za zaštitu podataka vlasnika platforme možete se obratiti putem sljedećeg internetskog obrasca https://www.xing.com/support/contact ili na sljedećoj adresi:

New Work SE

Am Strandkai 1

20457 Hamburg

Njemačka Tel.: +49 40 419 131-0

Telefaks: +49 40 419 131-11

E-pošta: datenschutzbeauftragter@xing.com

Kategorije osobnih podataka:

Podaci koje obrađujemo od registriranih posjetitelja naše stranice obožavatelja:

objavljeni podaci o profilu (podaci o profilu ProFindera, obrazovanje, radno iskustvo, predstava o zaradi, fotografija, podaci o lokaciji, znanje i potvrde znanja, profesionalna postignuća (npr. dodjela patenata, profesionalno priznanje, projekti)),

ostali podaci i sadržaji koje odnosne osobe objavljuju, stavljaju na raspolaganje, distribuiraju, objavljuju ili učitavaju na Xing ili na svom Xing računu.

Pravna osnova za obradu podatakaPravne osnove na kojima vlasnik platforme temelji obradu podataka mogu se pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://privacy.xing.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung
Više informacijaViše informacija, posebice o kategorijama osobnih podataka, izvoru podataka, razdoblju pohrane, svrsi obrade podataka i kategorijama primatelja, možete pronaći na sljedećoj poveznici: https://privacy.xing.com/de/datenschutzerklaerung
Nadzorno tijelo nadležno za vlasnika platforme (članak 77. OUZP-a)

Službenik za zaštitu podataka i slobodu informiranja u Hamburgu

Ludwig-Erhard-Str 22, 7. OG

20459 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 / 428 54 - 4040

Telefaks: 040 / 428 54 - 4000

E-pošta: mailbox@datenschutz.hamburg.de

Data privacy policy

1. General
LIQUI MOLY GmbH (hereinafter: LIQUI MOLY), Jerg-Wieland-Straße 4, 89081 Ulm, is the operator of the website www.liqui-moly.com and other websites and would therefore like to inform you in the following Privacy Policy to what extent data are collected when you use our websites and what purpose these data are used for.

LIQUI MOLY also wishes to point out the rights you are entitled to in this context. Please note: this Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the page www.liqui-moly.de,  including any subpages (such as www.liqui-moly.com and www.liqui-moly.biz) and subdomains (such as shop.liqui-moly.de). You have the option of switching to other websites. For these pages, Data protection regulations, for the content of which the respective operators of these websites are responsible.

The careful handling of your personal data has top priority at LIQUI MOLY GmbH. When processing data, we comply with the statutory provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the associated national provisions.
When you visit our website, the web servers save the connection data of the requesting computer, the subpages you visit on our site, the date and duration of your visit, the identification data of the browser and operating system type used as well as the website from which you are visiting us as standard and temporarily for system security purposes.

This data batch consists of

  • the page from which the file was requested,
  • the name of the file,
  • the date and time of the request,
  • the amount of data transferred,
  • the access status (file transferred, file not found),
  • a description of the type of web browser used,
  • the IP address of the requesting computer, shortened by the last three digits.

These data are stored anonymously. Personal user profiles are thus not created. These data are erased or made anonymous after the end of the connection.

In addition, we collect personal data from you in other cases, specifically

  • when you contact us via e-mail or the contact form
  • when you use the protected “My user account” areas in the online shop
  • when you subscribe to the newsletter/press releases/digital communication
  • when you register in one of the forums and make a contribution
  • - through the software used for website tracking
  • to secure our web server and to ensure the functionality of our online services
  • for processing orders placed via our online shop
  • for the online application process

Personal data are processed exclusively for a specific purpose (purpose limitation principle). In addition, we regularly review our data processing practices to ensure that we process as little personal data as possible (data minimization principle).

2. Details of the controller

Below you will find the details of the controller as defined by Art. 4 No. 17 GDPR:

Company name & legal form:LIQUI MOLY GmbHRepresentative: Günter Hiermaier, Dr. Uli WellerAddress of the head office as defined by Art. 4 No. 16 GDPR:Jerg-Wieland-Straße 4, 89081 Ulm, GermanyContact details:LIQUI MOLY GmbH Jerg-Wieland-Straße 4 89081 Ulm info@liqui-moly.deContact details of the Data Protection Officer:Bernhard C. Witt it.sec GmbH&Co.KG Einsteinstraße 55, 89077 Ulm (Germany) Tel.: 0 731 205 89 0 E-Mail: datenschutz(at)it-sec.de

3. What are personal data?

Personal data are all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is a natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by assignment to an identifier such as a name. Personal data include information such as your name, address, telephone number and date of birth (if provided). Statistical information that cannot be directly or indirectly associated with you – such as the popularity of individual websites operated by us or the number of users of a site – is not personal data.

4. Protection of minors

Our website is not directed at minors and we do not knowingly collect personal data from minors.

If persons under the age of 16 transfer personal data to us, this is only permitted if the parent or legal guardian themselves has consented or has agreed to the consent of the young person. Pursuant to Art. 8 (2) GDPR, the contact details of the parent or legal guardian must be communicated to us in order to convince us of the consent or the agreement of the parent or legal guardian. These data and the data of the minor will then be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If we determine that a minor under the age of 16 has sent us personal data without the parent or guardian consenting themselves or agreeing to the consent of the minor, we will erase the data immediately.

5. Purposes of data processing and legal basis

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes on the following legal bases:

  • Contract initiation pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) and b) GDPR
  • Contract execution pursuant to Art. 6(1) b) GDPR
  • Customer management pursuant to Art. 6(1) b) and c) GDPR
  • Communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR
  • Public image and advertising pursuant to Art. 6(1) f) GDPR
  • Implementation of declarations of consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) GDPR
  • Ensuring the proper operation of a data processing system pursuant to Art. 6(1) c) and f) GDPR
  • Applicant selection procedures within the framework of personnel and resource management pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) GDPR b) in conjunction with § 26 new GDPR

6. Storage duration

We save personal data until the purposes for which they were collected expire (e.g. upon the termination of a contractual relationship or with the last activity, if no continuing obligation exists, or in the case of a withdrawal of your consent for specific data processing). Storage beyond this only occurs if

• Legal storage obligations (e.g. pursuant to AO (German Tax Code) and HGB (German Commercial Code)) exist;

• The data is still required for the enforcement and exertion of legal claims or for defending against legal claims, e.g. due to technological and forensic requirements for the defense of attacks on our webservers and their prosecution;

• Preventing the deletion of the interests of affected persons worth protecting; Or

• or there is another exception as per art. 17 section 3 GDPR. • Furthermore, you always have the right to withdraw the use of your data for the purpose of direct advertising with future effect, as per art. 21 section 2 GDPR. c) and f)

7. Rights of data subjects

7.1. Right to information and data portability

You have a right to information about the personal data processed by us pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR at any time.
If the data processing is based on your consent or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR, you may, pursuant to Art. 20(1) GDPR, request that you receive the personal data stored about you in a structured, established and machine-readable format, or to have these data transferred to a system of a third party. You are thus entitled to direct forwarding of your data.

7.2. Right to rectification, restriction and erasure

Furthermore, pursuant to Art. 16 to 18 GDPR, you may request that we rectify, restrict (block) or erase your personal data if we have processed the data incorrectly, if there are grounds for restricting further data processing or if the data processing has become illegal for various reasons, or if its storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons. We would like to point out that your right to erasure may be restricted by legal retention periods.

7.3. Rights to object

If our data processing is based exclusively on our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1) f) GDPR, you may object to this processing pursuant to Art. 21(1) GDPR. We will then stop processing your data unless we can prove grounds for processing worthy of protection which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend a legal claim.

7.4. Right of withdrawal

If you have allowed us to process your personal data by giving your consent, you have a right of withdrawal with effect for the future pursuant to Art. 7(3) GDPR.

7.5. Right of complaint to the supervisory authority

You are free to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that our processing of your personal data is in breach of the European General Data Protection Regulation or other national and international data protection laws, Art 77 GDPR.

The contact details of the supervisory authority responsible for us are as follows:

State Representative for Data Protection Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Stefan Brink
P.O. Box 10 29 32
70025 Stuttgart


Königstraße 10a
70173 Stuttgart 

7.6. Contact details

To exercise your rights, you can send us an informal message to the contact details below. Please also address the withdrawal of your consent to the contact details below, indicating which declaration of consent you wish to withdraw:

Company name & legal form:LIQUI MOLY GmbHAddress:Jerg-Wieland-Straße 4, 89081 Ulm, GermanyE-Mail adress:datenschutz@liqui-moly.de.Webform https://www.liqui-moly.com/en/your-direct-path-to-us/contact-form.html

8. Data transfer by means of contact

8.1. Contact form via www.liqui-moly.com/en/your-direct-path-to-us/contact-form.html

Via the web form at www.liqui-moly.de/kontakt/kontaktformular.html we request the following data:

  • Department (optional)
  • Message text (optional)
  • Title (freiwillige Angabe)
  • E-mail address (required)
  • First and last name (optional)
  • Telephone number (optional)
  • Street and house number (optional)
  • Postcode (freiwillige Angabe)
  • Country (required)
  • Company (optional)

Data that you send us via the contact form will be processed for the purpose of communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR. These data are only stored as long as their processing is required for these purposes or until the expiry of any subsequent retention periods.

8.2. Contact form via shop.liqui-moly.de/bezahlung

Via the web form at shop.liqui-moly.de/bezahlung/ we request the following data:

  • E-mail address (required)
  • Name (optional)
  • Subject (required)
  • Message text (required)

Data that you send us via the contact form will be processed for the purpose of communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR. These data are only stored as long as their processing is required for these purposes or until the expiry of any subsequent retention periods.

8.3. Contact form via www.shop.liqui-moly.de/stornierung_retoure_de

Via the web form at shop.liqui-moly.de/stornierung_retoure_de/ we request the following data:

  • E-mail address (required)
  • Name (optional)
  • Subject (required)
  • Message text (required)

Data that you send us via the contact form will be processed for the purpose of communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR. These data are only stored as long as their processing is required for these purposes or until the expiry of any subsequent retention periods.

8.4 Contact form via oil guide
Via the web form in our oil guide we request the following data:

- Selected vehicle (required)
- Product group (required)
- E-mail address (required)
- Telephone number (optional)
- Your message (required)

Data that you send us via the contact form will be processed for the purpose of communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6 (1) a), b), c), f) GDPR. These data are only stored as long as their processing is required for these purposes or until the expiry of any subsequent retention periods.

8.5. Contact via e-mail

Data that you send us by e-mail for the purpose of making contact with us will be processed for the purpose of communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR. These data are stored as long as their processing is required for these purposes or until the expiry of any subsequent retention periods.

9. Dealer and sales representative search via postcode

9.1. Dealer search

On our website you can search for suitable dealers in your area under www.liqui-moly.de/service/bezugsquellen.html using your postcode. No other data about you will be collected or stored. Your postcode will not be stored beyond the search.

9.2. Sales representative search

In addition, as a business customer, you can search for the contact details of the sales representatives in your area via www.liqui-moly.biz/kontakt/aussendienst-deutschland.html and www.liqui-moly.biz/kontakt/aussendienst-oesterreich.html using your postcode. Your postcode will not be stored beyond the search.

10. Handling of personal data within the scope of the customer account

10.1. Private customer account

We offer you the option of setting up a personal customer account. Before you use this for the first time, you have to register once. For this, we need the following information from you:

  • Title (required),
  • First and last name (required),
  • E-mail address (required),
  • Password (required),
  • Date of birth (optional)

For the processing of orders in the online shop we require the following additional information from you:

  • Invoice address (title, first name, last name, e-mail address, company (if applicable), street, house number, postcode, town/city, country, date of birth (optional),
  • Delivery address (title, first name, last name, company (if applicable), street, house number, postcode, town/city, country, federal state),
  • Payment details (Sepa direct debit, PayPal details, instant bank transfer, credit card details).

A customer number will also be automatically assigned to your customer account.

In addition, you can voluntarily add the following information to your customer account:

  • Mobile phone number,
  • Date of birth

You can also access the “My garage” area in your customer account. In this area you as a registered customer can save your vehicle and add optional information, such as the following:

  • Mileage
  • Date of initial registration

We will use data that you transfer to us during registration and when placing orders in the online shop for the following purposes on the following legal bases:

  • Contract initiation pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) and b) GDPR, communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), c), f) GDPR, ensuring proper operation of a data processing system pursuant to Art. 6(1) c) and f) GDPR:
    - Provision of the customer account,
    - Making your customer profile available on our website,
    - Use of the online shop under www.shop.liqui-moly.de,
    - Authentication of registered users.
  • Contract execution pursuant to Art. 6(1) b) GDPR, customer management pursuant to Art. 6(1) b), and f) GDPR, communication and data exchange pursuant to Art. 6(1) a), b), f) GDPR:
    - Deliveries,
    - Payment processing,
    - Queries in connection with your customer account and/or orders placed,
    - Information about changes to the Terms and Conditions or data protection information,
    - Provision of a shopping list.
  • Public image and advertising pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) and f) GDPR:
    - Internal statistical market research,
    - Sending of the newsletter, if expressly ordered,
    - Sending of product recommendations for our own similar offers, unless expressly not desired,
    - Sending of information, if expressly requested,
    - Sending of postal advertising, unless expressly not desired.

10.2. My LIQUI MOLY account

We offer you the opportunity to set up a personal my LIQUI MOLY account. Before you use this for the first time, you have to register once. For this, we need the following information from you:

  • Title (required),
  • First and last name (required),
  • Company (required),
  • Role in the company (required),Street, postcode, town/city, country (required),
  • Telephone number (required),
  • Fax (optional),
  • Business e-mail address (required),
  • Website (optional),
  • Source of LIQUI MOLY products (optional),
  • If applicable, LIQUI MOLY customer number (optional),
  • If applicable, information about the dealer from whom you purchase your products (optional).

11. Use of our online shop

Within the scope of the use of our online shop, further personal and transaction-based data, such as data on shopping basket compilations ordered and any delivery of these, the shopping lists created and data on orders, are collected and stored. LIQUI MOLY will process these personal and transaction-based data on its own behalf in technical and logistical terms, Art. 6(1) b) and f) GDPR, if this is necessary for the performance of the desired services.

12. Forum

You have the option of leaving comments in our LIQUI MOLY Forum forum-liqui-moly.de. To register for the forum we need your name, user name, a password and your e-mail address. We request this information to promote a more transparent and personalized communication between the forum participants. Storing this information also helps to avoid spam. You can have your registration in our forum erased at any time. To do so, please simply send an e-mail to: datenschutz@liqui-moly.de. The disclosure of the data provided by you in this context is expressly on a voluntary basis and with your consent. We use the personal data transferred in this way exclusively for the purpose for which you provide us with your data. Of course, you can withdraw your declaration of consent at any time for the future. To do so, please use the contact details above.

13. Use of PayPal (only concerns the use of the online shop)

In our online shop we enable you to pay by means of the payment service provider PayPal. The processing of the payment takes place either via your PayPal or via your credit card or bank account using PayPal. Furthermore, PayPal offers buyer protection and trust services.

When you select the payment service provider PayPal in the online shop, data is automatically transferred to PayPal. You hereby expressly consent to this transfer of personal data (first and last name, address, e-mail address, IP address, phone number(s), order data, delivery data) for the purpose of processing the payment as well as fraud prevention if you decide upon the PayPal payment type.

The exchange of data does not only take place for the purpose of processing the payment, but also for identification, fraud prevention and the reduction of a default risk, in this respect, data on economic situation and on past purchase and payment behavior may also be exchanged. In this context, data is also exchanged with credit agencies by Klarna, if there is a legitimate interest for this and it does not run counter to the interests of affected persons worth protecting.

Forwarding of the data to associated companies can occur; this also applies to downstream service providers (processors, mutually responsible and third parties, if required for contract implementation). You can withdraw existing consent from PayPal at any time with future effect. A withdrawal has no effect on the transfers carried out in the past. PayPal’s current data protection regulations can be found at www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full.

Data recipient: PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. & Cie. S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

14. Credit card payment method (only concerns the use of the online shop)

In our online shop we enable you to pay by means of credit card using the payment service providers CardProcess GmbH and BS PAYONE GmbH. You enter the credit card data required for this directly into an embedded form of our payment service provider.

Upon the selection of the "credit card" payment option, data is automatically transferred to our service provider You hereby expressly consent to this transfer of personal data (first and last name, address, purchase price) for the purpose of processing the payment as well as fraud prevention if you decide upon payment by credit card.

Forwarding of the data to associated companies can occur; this also applies to downstream service providers (processors, mutually responsible and third parties, if required for contract implementation). You can withdraw existing consent from CardProcess GmbH and BS PAYONE GmbH at any time with future effect. A withdrawal has no effect on the transfers carried out in the past.

Data recipient: (1) CardProcess GmbH, Wachhausstraße 4, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany (2) BS PAYONE GmbH, Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

15. Instant transfer payment method (only concerns the use of the online shop)

In our online shop we enable you to pay by means of instant transfer using the payment service provider SOFORT GmbH.

Using the payment method at hand a real-time payment confirmation to us as the seller is possible, so that we can immediately being processing your order.

Upon the selection of the "instant transfer" payment option, data is automatically transferred to SOFORT GmbH. You hereby expressly consent to this transfer of personal data (first and last name, address, e-mail address, IP address, phone number(s), bank account details, PIN, TAN, purchase price) for the purpose of processing the payment as well as fraud prevention if you decide upon the payment by instant transfer.

The exchange of data does not only take place for the purpose of processing the payment, but also for identification and fraud prevention, in this respect, data on economic situation and on past purchase and payment behavior may also be exchanged. In this context, data is also exchanged with credit agencies by SOFORT GmbH, if there is a legitimate interest for this and it does not run counter to the interests of affected persons worth protecting.

Forwarding of the data to associated companies can occur; this also applies to downstream service providers (processors, mutually responsible and third parties, if required for contract implementation). You can withdraw existing consent from SOFORT GmbH at any time with future effect. A withdrawal has no effect on the transfers carried out in the past.

SOFORT GmbH’s current data protection regulations can be found at www.sofort.com/ger-DE/datenschutzerklaerung-sofort-gmbh/ Data recipient: SOFORT GmbH, Fußbergstraße 1, 82131 Gauting, Germany. )

16. Online application process

To apply to us online, you can use the online application system under the link www.liqui-moly.com/en/company/career.html
You can access this in the “Company, Careers” section. The data entered by you and the attachments you send with it are transferred via a secure https connection. Your electronic application data will be received by the relevant HR department and only forwarded to the department responsible for the position in question or to the persons in charge of processing. All parties involved will treat your application documents with the necessary care and with absolute confidentiality. Data processing is based on Art. 6(1) a)GDPR in conjunction with § 26 GDPR. In the event that you apply for a position offered by a third party (our cooperation partners or importers, see also Section 18) in a third country, by submitting your application documents you consent to the transfer of your personal data to the named third parties in the respective third countries as part of the application procedure.
By sending your application documents, you agree to the processing of your personal data within the application procedure. After completion of the applicant selection procedure, we will keep your application documents for another 3 months and then erase them or destroy any copies if we have not concluded a contract of employment with you. If we add your application documents to our talent pool, we will notify you accordingly. In the notification you can actively consent to the further storage of your documents. If you consent to the storage of your documents, we will store them for one year. Please note that applications that you send us by e-mail will be transferred to us unencrypted. We therefore recommend that you use the online application program.

17. Data processing and use for public image and advertising purposes

We also use your data as described in more detail below for the purposes of public image and advertising pursuant to Art. 6(1) a) and f) GDPR.

17.1. Market and opinion research

We use your data (existing data of your customer account, if applicable further data provided voluntarily, transaction data for orders in the online shop) with a corresponding consent on your part for market and opinion research.

You have given the following consent for this if you consent in this Privacy Policy:

I consent to LIQUI MOLY processing and using my personal data for its own market and opinion research purposes, so that LIQUI MOLY services can be further improved.

17.2. Individually tailored offers

We want to offer you services that are as tailored to your needs as possible. We therefore use the information that you submit and that is automatically generated when you visit our website, use your customer account and use the online shop to design advertising tailored to you and your interests. To do this, we use existing information such as your shopping history, e-mail receipt and read confirmations, the date and time of your visit to our website and products you have viewed. We use this information exclusively in pseudonymized form.

You have given the following consent for this if you have consented in this Privacy Policy:

I consent to LIQUI MOLY using the data I have provided, further information stored regarding my customer account as well as pseudonymized usage data to send me individually tailored advertising, offers and services by post, when using the online shop or if I have given my consent to receive the newsletter by e-mail.

You can object to the use of your data for public image and advertising purposes at any time. A notification in text form to the contact details above is sufficient.

17.3. Abonnement digitale Kommunikation

17.3.1 Private customers

You have the option of registering for our digital communication on our website under www.liqui-moly.de/unternehmen/newsletter.html. LIQUI MOLY GmbH uses digital communication to inform you of its latest offers. For the registration we require your e-mail address. You can tell us your name, but you do not have to do so. If you tell us your name, we will use it to address you personally. You will then receive an e-mail at the e-mail address you provided asking you to click on a link in the e-mail to confirm your subscription to the newsletter. Your e-mail address will only be activated for sending the newsletter after you have confirmed your e-mail address (double opt-in procedure).

If you have registered for digital communication, you have given the following declaration of consent for this:

Yes, I would like to receive information about LIQUI-MOLY products, news and offers free of charge via digital communication.

Optionally, you can also confirm:

I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and the consents contained therein.

Of course, you can withdraw your consent with effect for the future or object to the further processing of your personal data for sending the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link “Unsubscribe” in the newsletter itself or sending us an e-mail with this request to the above address.

17.3.2. Business customers

You have the option of registering for our digital communication on our website under www.liqui-moly.biz/aktuelles/anmeldung-partner-info.html. LIQUI MOLY GmbH uses digital communication to inform you of its latest offers. For registration we require your first and last names in order to be able to verify you as a contact, your business e-mail address, the name of your company and its classification. This data is stored in the CRM system. You will then receive an e-mail at the e-mail address you provided asking you to click on a link in the e-mail to confirm your subscription to the newsletter. Your e-mail address will only be activated for sending the newsletter after you have confirmed your e-mail address (double opt-in procedure). If you have registered for digital communication, you have given the following declaration of consent for this:

Yes, I would like to receive information about LIQUI-MOLY products, news and offers free of charge via digital communication.

Optionally, you can also confirm:

I have read and agree to thedata protection regulations and the consents contained therein.

Of course, you can withdraw your consent with effect for the future or object to the further processing of your personal data for sending the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link “Unsubscribe” in the newsletter itself or sending us an e-mail with this request to the above address.

17.4. Profiling (cookies and web tracking procedures)

Profiling is based on Art. 6(1) a) or f) GDPR.

17.4.1. Cookies

Here we collect the following technical connection data: The called up page of our web offer, your IP address shortened by the last three digits, date and time of the call-up, end device used, browser configuration data. This takes place in order to check the authorization of actions and authentication of the requesting user of our services. The legal bases are art. 6 section 1 lit. c) in conjunction with art. 32 and art. 6 section 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the safeguarding of our webserver, in order to defend itself against attacks, for example, and ensuring the functionality of our services.

Cookies that are not technically required are only used after your express consent, which you can, of course, withdraw at any time.

As part of our cookie information on our website, you have agreed to the following declaration concerning this matter:

This website uses tracking cookies or tracking software, among other things, in order to provide you with the full functionality of our website and therefore be able to offer you a better online experience. Further information on the cookies used and webtracking process can be found in our data protection declaration. However, all cookies or our tracking software are only activated after you have given us your consent.

If you completely exclude the use of cookies, you will not be able to use individual functions of our website – including the possibility of a cookie-based opt-out of tracking. If applicable, please allow the opt-out cookies of the services for which you would like to prevent the tracking.

Please also consider that deleting all cookies leads to the opt-out cookies also being deleted. You will therefore have to reset these. Furthermore, cookies are associated to the browser, this means that they have to be specially set in each browser used by you on each device used by you. The links required for this can be found in the following in the description of the respective service.

We use the following cookies – if you allow this and have not set one or more opt-out cookies – for the purpose described below in more detail:

Name of the cookiePurpose of use Storage durationTechnically requiredOption to withdraw consent (if cookie not technically required)_gaDistinction of the user2 yearsYes
_gat_TR0Throttling of the requirement rate1 minuteYes
_trga_gidDistinction of the user24 hoursYes
_utmaDistinction of user and sessions. This cookie is created when the javascript libr cookie is updated.2 years from updateYes
_utmzStorage of the source, which explains how the website was reached by the user.6 years from updateYes
spamshieldE-mail Spam recognitionper sessionYes
trcontrolTracking opt-outpermanentYes
frontendShop system shopping basketpermanent


frontend_cidShop system shopping basketpermanentYes

17.4.2. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies, text files which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie concerning your use of this website is generally passed on to a Google server in the USA and saved there. Your IP address on this website is anonymized. Your IP address is abbreviated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatories to the agreement regarding the European Economic Area. In the event that anonymous use of IP should be activated on this website, your IP address is first abbreviated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatories to the agreement regarding the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional circumstances is the full IP address transferred to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services related to the use of the website and of the Internet to the website operator. The IP address transferred from your browser as part of Google Analytics is not added to other Google data. One way to object to web analysis by Google Analytics is to set an opt-out cookie that instructs Google not to store or use your data for web analysis purposes. Please note that in this solution the web analysis will not take place only for as long as the browser stores the opt-out cookie. If you wish to set the opt-out cookie now, please click here 

You can avoid the saving of cookies by adjusting your browser software appropriately; however, we would like to make you aware of the fact that in this case it is possible that you will not be able to use all the functions of this website. Furthermore, you can prevent the recording of the data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link. The current link is: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en

Data recipient: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Privacy Shield: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active .

The information generated by the cookie concerning your use of this website will be stored by us for the duration based on the specific purpose and subsequently deleted. Session cookies are deleted directly after the session. Other cookies remain for longer and expire after two years at the latest.

17.4.3. YouTube video embedded via iFrame

We use YouTube, a Google service, to show you video content. To protect your privacy, we have activated the extended data protection mode.

YouTube also uses cookies to collect information about visitors to its website. YouTube uses these, among other things, to collect video statistics, to prevent fraud and to improve user-friendliness. Calling up a video usually also leads to a connection with the Google DoubleClick network. Starting the video could trigger further data processing operations, especially if you are already logged in to YouTube. We have no influence on this. You can find more information about data protection at YouTube in its privacy policy (http://www.youtube.com/t/privacy_at_youtube)

Data recipient: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Privacy-Shield: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active

17.4.4. Social media plug-ins

We use social media buttons (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) of Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Google Inc. etc. (“providers”) on our website.

These social media buttons are not integrated as plug-ins via a so-called iFrame, but as links. By clicking on the social media buttons you will be redirected to the page of the respective provider directly. The respective provider is then responsible for compliance with data protection requirements and for the accuracy, currentness and completeness of the information provided here for data processing pursuant to Art. 4 No. 17 GDPR.

17.4.5 Facebook Custom Audience
Our website uses the service “Facebook Custom Audience” by means of the so-called pixel procedure without extended comparison of customer lists with Facebook. We hereby attempt to obtain information for the optimization of our website, to improve the visitor experience and to present to you with targeted advertising content, where applicable.
Facebook can track and log your page views via an invisible pixel embedded on our website, e.g. by using your IP address and other features for identification purposes.
You can refuse this procedure by setting an opt-out cookie under the following link.
Recipient of the data: Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Privacy shield: www.privacyshield.gov/participant

18. Data recipient

Access to your personal data stored by us is limited to our employees and the service providers commissioned by us, who have to work with this personal data to fulfill their assignments. If third parties gain access to your data, we have obtained your permission or there is a legal basis for this. You consent to the forwarding of your online application to one of our partners (cooperation partners, importers) even in a third country and also without the existence of an adequacy decision or suitable guarantees in accordance with Art. 44 DSGVO, in awareness of the associated increased risks for the security of your data.

We use service providers to provide services and process your data (including hosting your data in a secure computer center, delivering ordered goods, creation and use of the social media wall, sending letters or e-mails and maintaining and analyzing databases, destroying documents and files, so-called order processing pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR). These service providers process the data exclusively on our instructions and are obliged to comply with the applicable data protection regulations. All processors have been carefully selected and will only have access to your data to the extent and for the time required to provide the services, or to the extent to which you have consented to the processing and use of your data. The following recipients are also included in the web tracking procedure:

Google Inc. regarding Google Analytics, YouTube videos via iFrame 
Data exchange within the group of companies to which we belong takes place exclusively within the EU/EEA and is only for internal administrative purposes with the above mentioned exception. By group of companies we mean affiliated companies as defined by Art. 4 No. 19 GDPR.

19. Data processing for the purpose of direct advertising

Direct mail advertising

To the extent permitted by law, we may also use your name and the postal address known to us for the sending of advertising for our own offers. The legal basis is art. 6 section 1 lit. f) in conjunction with recital 47 GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the promotion of sales or demand among our existing customers. Of course, you can object to the processing of your data for advertising purposes at any time for the future. A notification in text form to the contact details above is sufficient. We will then delete your data from our distribution list. The data that accounts for your objection is then kept for a further 6 years as per art. 17 section 3 lit. e) GDPR. However, during this time your personal data is blocked from further processing.

Telephone advertising

To the extent permitted by law, for business customers, we may also use your name, company affiliation and your stated telephone number, in order to inform you of our own offers that we presume you will be interested in. The legal basis is art. 6 section 1 lit. f) in conjunction with recital 47 GDPR, § 7 section 2 no. 2 UWG. Our legitimate interest is the promotion of sales or demand among our existing business customers. Of course, you can object to the processing of your data for advertising purposes at any time for the future. A notification in text form to the contact details above is sufficient. We will then delete your data from our distribution list. The data that accounts for your objection is then kept for a further 6 years as per art. 17 section 3 lit. e) GDPR. However, during this time your personal data is blocked from further processing.

20. Transfer to third countries and legal basis

A transfer of personal data to third countries only takes place

  • within the scope of the use of Google Analytics on the basis of the EU Commission’s adequacy decision regarding the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR.
  • within the scope of the activation of YouTube videos, if you have given your consent pursuant to Art. 49(1) a) GDPR.

The servers of some of the service providers we use are located in the USA and other countries outside the European Union. Companies in these countries are subject to data protection laws that do not generally protect personal data to the same extent as is the case in the member states of the European Union. If your data are processed in a country which does not have a recognized high level of data protection like the European Union, this will be on the basis of the EU Commission’s adequacy decision regarding the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR or the EU Standard Treaty 2010 pursuant to Art. 46(2) c) GDPR in conjunction with the EU Commission’s decision of 05/02/2010 (2010/87/EU) or pursuant to Art. 49(1) a) GDPR.

21. Transfer to law enforcement and criminal investigation authorities

In exceptional cases, we transfer personal data to law enforcement and criminal investigation authorities. This is done on the basis of corresponding legal obligations, e.g. from the German Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozessordnung), the German Tax Code (Abgabenordnung), the Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz) or state police laws.

22. Data security

We maintain a wide variety of security measures pursuant to Art. 32 GDPR (technical and organizational measures) for the protection of your personal data.

For a secure transfer of the data you send to us, we offer SSL/TLS encryption with the current TLS v1.1. and TLS v1.2 encryption protocols on our website. We would like to point out that the comprehensive encryption of the transmission path also depends on your Internet browser. We therefore recommend that you keep your Internet browser up to date so that TLS v1.1. or TLS v1.2 encryption is automatically established when you visit our website.

If you contact us by e-mail, we would like to point out that the confidentiality of the information transferred is not guaranteed. The content of e-mails may be viewed by third parties. We therefore recommend that you send us confidential information by post or, for applications, via our online portal.

23. Prize competition

From time to time you have the opportunity to take part in prize competitions or similar promotions on our website. As part of these promotions, personal data may also be collected and stored for processing purposes; the scope of this data can be found in the respective entry form. Data that we do not absolutely require for the prize competition but which allows us to contact you more quickly should you win, for example, is explicitly marked as optional. The personal information that you provide us as part of this type of prize competition promotion is used only for the processing of the promotion (in the event of a prize competition, for example, for winner determination, winner notification and mailing of the prize). After conclusion of the promotion, the data from the participants who did not win is immediately deleted. The data from the winner is deleted after the legal retention period has expired."

24. Social Media


social network:


Please be advised that Facebook is just one of a number of ways of getting in touch with us and receiving information from us.

This fanpage is operated jointly with (‘platform operator’):

Facebook Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2 Ireland

An agreement in line with Art. 26 (1) GDPR has been drawn up between those with joint responsibility to determine who is responsible for what in relation to GDPR             

The agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR can be found using the following link:


The platform operator will make the main contents of this agreement available to the data subjects.

Data privacy contact information:

Data privacy contact information can be found in our privacy statement linked to here and the platform operator’s data protection officer can be contacted using the following online form:


Categories of data subjects:

fanpage visitors that are registered with the social network and those that are not.

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors to our fanpage:

User name that they have registered with, freely available profile information (e.g. names, occupation, addresses, contact information, and where applicable particular categories of personal data such as religious affiliation, health data etc.), data arising from the sharing of content, exchanging messages and communication, data required as part of processing the contract to become a registered user; in other respects we only process pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

Data that we process from non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

The following link gives details of the data that the platform operator processes concerning registered and non-registered visitors to our fanpage:


We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Data origins:

We receive data either directly from the data subjects or from the platform operator.

Legal basis for processing data

We process data on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subjects
  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject

  • Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR legitimate interest
    • To optimize our fanpage
    • To promote the sales of our products and services or drive demand
    • To simplify communication and the exchange of data

We only process special categories of personal data, if at all, on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subject
  • Art. 9 (2) e) GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

The legal bases used by the platform operator for the processing of data can be found using the following link:

https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/legal_bases If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator should obtain the prior consent of the data subjects.

In particular, the platform operator is obligated to inform the data subjects for what purpose and on what legal basis the first visit to a fanpage, even by non-registered visitors, is being recorded in so-called local storage and whether the personal data of non-registered visitors (e.g. IP addresses or other such data, that is consolidated as personal data) is used to create profiles.

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Purpose of data processing:

The data is being processed for the following purposes:

  • Public image and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange

  • Event management
  • Contract initiation and processing, where applicable

We have no influence over the purposes for which the platform operator uses data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Storage period

The storage and deletion of data is the responsibility of the platform operator in line with the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. Information about this can be found using the following link:


We have no influence over whether the platform operator adheres to the legal deletion deadlines nor over the way in which they delete the data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Categories of receiver

Only our employees and service providers that look after our fanpage and require data for the above mentioned purposes have access to data we process. If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users.

The categories of receivers that the platform operator discloses information to or that registered users disclose their data to, and information about internal corporate data exchanges can be found using the following link: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

We have no influence on the disclosure of data to individual receivers (categories) by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Data transfer to third countries

If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users across the world.

As part of the operation of our fanpage, data will also be transferred to third countries by the platform operator.

Data transfers to third countries related hereto are covered by a European Commission adequacy decision as per Art. 45 GDPR or through appropriate safeguards as per Art. 46 GDPR:

Facebook Inc. is Privacy Shield certified: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC&status=Active.

Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding, Facebook must also afford the data subjects different rights, which are then asserted directly towards Facebook.

We have no influence over data transfers to third countries undertaken by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Logic involved and significance of profiling and/or automated decision-making based on the collected data

If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator is obligated to inform them of this, as per the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. In particular, the platform operator is obligated to advise the data subjects of the purposes and legal bases, if, after visiting a subpage of our fanpage, a session cookie and three cookies with a length of between four months and two years have been stored.

Information about this can be found using the following link:



We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Rights of the data subjects:

Those with joint responsibility must afford the data subjects different rights with regards to the processing of their data, which are, based on the agreement within in the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR asserted directly towards the platform operator:


As per Art. 15 to Art. 18 GDPR, in certain circumstances, the data subject has the right to access, correction or deletion of their respective personal data or the right to restrict data processing by controllers. Data subjects also have the right to withdraw any consent they have given relating to the processing of their personal data at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). They can object (Art. 21 (1) GDPR) to the further processing of their data, with the exception of in the legitimate interests of the controller as per Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, if there are compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular personal situation and the controller has no compelling legitimate grounds for processing the data. If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future (Art. 21 (2) GDPR). If data is processed with the consent of the data subject in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a), Art. 9 (1) a) GDPR or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR based on a contract with the data subject, and is processed with the assistance of automated systems, the data subject can, as per Art. 20 (1) GDPR, request to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have said data transmitted to a third party nominated by the data subject.

In principle, data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing as per Art. 22 (1) GDPR. If such an automated decision is permitted as per Art. 22 (2) a) to c) GDPR, the data subject is afforded the following rights as per Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express their point of view, the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, the right to contest the automated decision (right of appeal).

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if they are of the view that the processing of their personal data violates the General Data Protection Act, Art. 77 GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator is:

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland

Website: http://gdprandyou.ie/contact-us/


social network:


Please be advised that Instagram is just one of a number of ways of getting in touch with us and receiving information from us.

This fanpage is operated jointly with (‘platform operator’):

Facebook Inc.
Menlo Park
CA 512374

Responsible for the processing of data for persons resident in the European Union:

Facebook Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2 Ireland

An agreement in line with Art. 26 (1) GDPR has been drawn up between those with joint responsibility to determine who is responsible for what in relation to GDPR             

The agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR can be found using the following link

Currently no link available!

The platform operator will make the main contents of this agreement available to the data subjects.

Data privacy contact information:

Data privacy contact information can be found in our privacy statement linked to here and the platform operator’s data protection officer can be contacted here:


Categories of data subjects:

fanpage visitors that are registered with the social network and those that are not

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors to our fanpage:

User name that they have registered with, freely available profile information (gender, selected country, preferences, interests), data arising from the sharing of content, exchanging messages and communication, data required as part of processing the contract to become a registered user; in other respects we only process pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

Data that we process from non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

The following link gives details of the data that the platform operator processes concerning registered and non-registered visitors to our fanpage:


Data origins

We receive data either directly from the data subjects or from the platform operator.

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Legal basis for processing data

We process data on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subjects
  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject

  • Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR legitimate interest
    • To optimize our fanpage
    • To promote the sales of our products and services or drive demand
    • To simplify communication and the exchange of data

We only process special categories of personal data, if at all, on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subject
  • Art. 9 (2) e) GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

The legal bases used by the platform operator for the processing of data can be found using the following link:

https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875 If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator should obtain the prior consent of the data subjects.

In particular, the platform operator is obligated to inform the data subjects for what purpose and on what legal basis the first visit to a fanpage, even by non-registered visitors, is being recorded in so-called local storage and whether the personal data of non-registered visitors (e.g. IP addresses or other such data, that is consolidated as personal data) is used to create profiles.

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Purpose of data processing

The data is being processed for the following purposes:

  • Public image and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange
  • Event management
  • Contract initiation and processing, where applicable

We have no influence over the purposes for which the platform operator uses data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Storage period:

The storage and deletion of data is the responsibility of the platform operator in line with the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. Information about this can be found using the following link:


We have no influence over whether the platform operator adheres to the legal deletion deadlines nor over the way in which they delete the data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Categories of receiver

Only our employees and service providers that look after our fanpage and require data for the above mentioned purposes have access to data we process. If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users.

The categories of receivers that the platform operator discloses information to or that registered users disclose their data to, and information about internal corporate data exchanges can be found using the following link:https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875

We have no influence on the disclosure of data to individual receivers (categories) by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Data transfer to third countries

If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users across the world.

As part of the operation of our fanpage, data will also be transferred to third countries by the platform operator.

Data transfers to third countries related hereto are covered by a European Commission adequacy decision as per Art. 45 GDPR or through appropriate safeguards as per Art. 46 GDPR:

Facebook Inc. is Privacy Shield certified: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC&status=Active.

Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding, Facebook must also grant the persons concerned other rights, which are then asserted directly towards Facebook.

Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding, Facebook must also grant the persons concerned other rights, which are then asserted directly towards Facebook.

Logic involved and significance of profiling and/or automated decision-making based on the collected data

If the persons concerned can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operated is obligated to inform them of this, as per the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. In particular, the platform operator is obligated to advise the data subjects of the purposes and legal bases, if, after visiting a subpage of our fanpage, a session cookie and three cookies with a length of between four months and two years have been stored.

Information about this can be found using the following link:


We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Rights of the data subjects:

Those with joint responsibility must afford the data subjects different rights with regards to the processing of their data, which are, based on the agreement within in the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR asserted directly towards the platform operator:


As per Art. 15 to Art. 18 GDPR, in certain circumstances, the data subject has the right to access, correction or deletion of their respective personal data or the right to restrict data processing by controllers. Data subjects also have the right to withdraw any consent they have given relating to the processing of their personal data at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). They can object (Art. 21 (1) GDPR) to the further processing of their data, with the exception of in the legitimate interests of the controller as per Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, if there are compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular personal situation and the controller has no compelling legitimate grounds for processing the data. If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future (Art. 21 (2) GDPR). If data is processed with the consent of the data subject in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a), Art. 9 (1) a) GDPR or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR based on a contract with the data subject, and is processed with the assistance of automated systems, the data subject can, as per Art. 20 (1) GDPR, request to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have said data transmitted to a third party nominated by the data subject.

In principle, data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing as per Art. 22 (1) GDPR. If such an automated decision is permitted as per Art. 22 (2) a) to c) GDPR, the data subject is afforded the following rights as per Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express their point of view, the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, the right to contest the automated decision (right of appeal).

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if they are of the view that the processing of their personal data violates the General Data Protection Act, Art. 77 GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator is:

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland

Webadresse: http://gdprandyou.ie/contact-us/


social network:


Please be advised that our Twitter channel is just one of a number of ways of getting in touch with us and receiving information from us.

Our Twitter account (‘fanpage’) is operated jointly with (‘platform operator’):

Twitter Inc..
1355 Market Street #900
San Francisco
CA 94103, USA


Responsible for the processing of data for persons resident outside of the United States:

Twitter International Company
One Cumberland Place
Fenian Street
Dublin 2 D02 AX07

An agreement in line with Art. 26 (1) GDPR has been drawn up between those with joint responsibility to determine who is responsible for what in relation to GDPR

The platform operator will make the main contents of this agreement available to the data subjects: Not currently available.

Data privacy contact information:

Data privacy contact information can be found in our privacy statement linked to here.

The platform operator’s data protection officer can be contacted using the following online form



or at the following address:

Twitter International Company
Attn: Data Protection Officer
One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street
Dublin 2, D02 AX07 IRLAND 

Twitter, Inc.
Attn: Privacy Policy Inquiry
1355 Market Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94103

Furthermore, the data subjects can find more information here:


Categories of data subjects:

fanpage visitors that are registered with the social network and those that are not

Data subjects’ are hereby notified that they are responsible for their own use of Twitter’s short message service and its related functions. This applies, in particular, to the use of interactive functions (e.g. sharing, rating).

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors to our fanpage:

User ID or user name that the data subject has registered with, freely available profile information (name, email address, telephone number), data arising from the sharing of content, from re-tweeting tweets, from writing tweets linked to the data subject’s Twitter account, from exchanging messages and communication, data required as part of processing the contract to become a registered user, any data and content freely published and disseminated by the data subject on Twitter or via their Twitter account;

Apart from this we can only access specific, non-personal or pseudonymized data about Tweet activity, such as the number of profile and link clicks generated by a specific Tweet. We are unable to match the non-personal or pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

Data that we process from non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

We can only access specific, non-personal or pseudonymized data about Tweet activity, such as the number of profile and link clicks generated by a specific Tweet. We are unable to match the non-personal or pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. IP address, name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

Data that we process from visitors to our website:
The IP addresses of our website visitors are not transmitted to the platform operator via the embedded Twitter buttons (hard link) or Tweets on our webpage.

Data that the platform operator processes concerning registered and non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

Data submitted voluntarily such as user ID or user name that the visitor has registered with, freely available profile information (name, email address, telephone number), address book contacts if the data subject uploads or synchronizes their address book, payment information where applicable;

In addition, the platform operator analyses content shared by registered visitors, what subjects they are interested in, stores and processes private messages that are sent directly to other users and can determine their location from GPS data, information from wireless networks or via their IP address, in order to target their adverts and content.

Finally, the platform operator also receives information if visitors, for example, view content, even if they do not have a Twitter account. This so-called “log data” can include IP address, browser type, operating system, information about previously visited websites and pages, their location, their mobile phone provider, the device they are using (incl. device ID and application ID), search terms used and cookie information.

Through the use of Twitter buttons or widgets embedded in websites and the use of cookies, the platform operator can collect data about the websites that registered users visit and link this back to their Twitter profile. This data can be used to offer tailored content or adverts.

Further information about what data the platform operator processes can be found using the following link: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

The platform operator potentially uses analysis tools such as Twitter or Google Analytics to evaluate the data. We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Data origins

We receive data either directly from the data subjects or from the platform operator.

The following link provides information on where the platform operator obtains data subject’s information: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Legal basis for processing data

We process data on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subjects
  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject

  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject
    • To simplify communication and the exchange of data, whereby the existing communication channels, such as web presence, press releases, print media and events, are usefully supplemented by the fanpage
    • To promote the sales of our products and services, drive demand or to recruit in a transparent way
    • To optimize our fanpage

We only process special categories of personal data, if at all, on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subject
  • Art. 9 (2) e) GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

The legal bases used by the platform operator for the processing of data can be found using the following link:


We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Purpose of data processing

We process data for the following purposes:

  • Public image and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange
  • Event management
  • Contract initiation and processing, where applicable

Information about the platform operator’s purposes for processing data can be found using the following link: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

We have no influence over the purposes for which the platform operator uses data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Storage period

The storage and deletion of data is the responsibility of the platform operator. Information about this can be found using the following link: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

We have no influence over whether the platform operator adheres to the legal deletion deadlines nor over the way in which they delete the data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Categories of receiver

Only our employees and service providers that look after our fanpage and require data for the above mentioned purposes have access to data we process. If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, freely published and disseminated via Twitter, then this data will be included in our fanpage offering and it will be accessible by our followers, other registered and, where applicable, non-registered users.

The categories of receivers that the platform operator discloses information to or that registered users disclose their data to, and information about internal corporate data exchanges can be found using the following link: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

We have no influence on the disclosure of data to individual receivers

(categories) by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Data transfer to third countries

If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, freely published and disseminated via Twitter, then it will be accessible by our followers, other registered and, where applicable, non-registered users across the world.

Data from Twitter, Inc. will be processed as part of the operation of our fanpage.

The related transfer of data to the USA as a third country without an adequate level of data privacy protection is safeguarded by Twitter, Inc.’s EU-US Privacy Shield certification: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TORzAAO&status=Active

Regardless of where the data subject resides, the platform operator will transfer data to the United states, Ireland and any other country where Twitter Inc. does business, store it there and process it in other ways.

Data transfers to third countries related hereto are covered by a European Commission adequacy decision as per Art. 45 GDPR or through appropriate safeguards as per Art. 46 GDPR: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

We have no influence over data transfers to third countries undertaken by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

We have no influence over data transfers to third countries undertaken by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Logic involved and significance of profiling and/or automated decision-making based on the collected data

If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator is obligated to inform them of this. Information about this can be found using the following link: https://twitter.com/de/privacy

The platform operator potentially uses analysis tools such as Twitter or Google Analytics to evaluate the data. We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Rights of the data subjects

Those with joint responsibility must afford the data subjects different rights with regards to the processing of their data, which are then asserted directly towards the platform operator:

As per Art. 15 to Art. 18 GDPR, in certain circumstances, the data subject has the right to access, correction or deletion of their respective personal data or the right to restrict data processing by controllers. Data subjects also have the right to withdraw any consent they have given relating to the processing of their personal data at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). They can object (Art. 21 (1) GDPR) to the further processing of their data, with the exception of in the legitimate interests of the controller as per Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, if there are compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular personal situation and the controller has no compelling legitimate grounds for processing the data. If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future (Art. 21 (2) GDPR). If data is processed with the consent of the data subject in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a), Art. 9 (1) a) GDPR or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR based on a contract with the data subject, and is processed with the assistance of automated systems, the data subject can, as per Art. 20 (1) GDPR, request to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have said data transmitted to a third party nominated by the data subject.

In principle, data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing as per Art. 22 (1) GDPR. If such an automated decision is permitted as per Art. 22 (2) a) to c) GDPR, the data subject is afforded the following rights as per Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express their point of view, the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, the right to contest the automated decision (right of appeal).

Data subjects have the option to restrict the processing of their data in the general settings of their Twitter account, in the ‘data protection and security’ section. Furthermore, the settings options on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) can be used to restrict the platform operator’s access to contact and calendar information, photos, location data etc. This does, however, depend on the operating system being used.

Data subjects can obtain more information about what data platform operators can see here:


Data subjects can obtain information about the conclusions drawn by the platform operator here: https://twitter.com/your_twitter_data

Data subjects can find information about existing personalization and data protection settings options here (with additional references):  https://twitter.com/personalization

As Twitter Inc. is a non-European provider with a sole European subsidiary in Ireland, one interpretation is that it is not bound by German data protection regulations. This applies to, for example, the right to access, block or delete data or the option to object to the use of usage data for advertising purposes.

Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding Twitter, Inc. must also afford the data subjects different rights, which are then asserted directly towards https://twitter.ethicspointvp.com/custom/twitter/forms/data/form_data.asp

Further information about this can be found using the following link: https://twitter.ethicspointvp.com/custom/twitter/forms/data/form_data.asp

Further information about this social network and other social network and how data subjects can protect their data, can be found here: https://www.youngdata.de/.

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if they are of the view that the processing of their personal data violates the General Data Protection Act, Art. 77 GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator is:

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland


Webadresse: http://gdprandyou.ie/contact-us/


social network:


Please be advised that Youtube is just one of a number of ways of getting in touch with us and receiving information from us.

This fanpage is operated jointly with (‘platform operator’):

Google LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy

Mountain View

CA, 94043 USA

An agreement in line with Art. 26 (1) GDPR has been drawn up between those with joint responsibility to determine who is responsible for what in relation to GDPR

The agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR can be found using the following link:

Not available yet!

The platform operator will make the main contents of this agreement available to the data subjects.

Data privacy contact information:

Data privacy contact information can be found in our privacy statement linked to here and the platform operator’s data protection officer can be contacted using the following online form:


Categories of data subjects:

fanpage visitors that are registered with the social network and those that are not

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors to our fanpage:


User name that they have registered with, freely available profile information (e.g. names, occupation, addresses, contact information, and where applicable particular categories of personal data such as religious affiliation, health data etc.), data arising from the sharing of content, exchanging messages and communication, data required as part of processing the contract to become a registered user; in other respects we only process pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

                Data that we process from non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

                The following link gives details of the data that the platform operator processes concerning registered and non-registered visitors to our fanpage:


Data origins

We receive data either directly from the data subjects or from the platform operator.

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Legal basis for processing data 

We process data on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subjects
  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject

  • Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR legitimate interest
    • To optimize our fanpage
    • To promote the sales of our products and services or drive demand
    • To simplify communication and the exchange of data

We only process special categories of personal data, if at all, on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subject
  • Art. 9 (2) e) GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

The legal bases used by the platform operator for the processing of data can be found using the following link:


If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator should obtain the prior consent of the data subjects.

In particular, the platform operator is obligated to inform the data subjects for what purpose and on what legal basis the first visit to a fanpage, even by non-registered visitors, is being recorded in so-called local storage and whether the personal data of non-registered visitors (e.g. IP addresses or other such data, that is consolidated as personal data) is used to create profiles.

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Purpose of data processing

The data is being processed for the following purposes:

  • Public image and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange
  • Event management
  • Contract initiation and processing, where applicable

We have no influence over the purposes for which the platform operator uses data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this

Storage period

The storage and deletion of data is the responsibility of the platform operator in line with the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. Information about this can be found using the following link:


We have no influence over whether the platform operator adheres to the legal deletion deadlines nor over the way in which they delete the data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Categories of receiver

Only our employees and service providers that look after our fanpage and require data for the above mentioned purposes have access to data we process. If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users.

The categories of receivers that the platform operator discloses information to or that registered users disclose their data to, and information about internal corporate data exchanges can be found using the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de&gl=de

We have no influence on the disclosure of data to individual receivers (categories) by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Data transfer to third countries

If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users across the world.

As part of the operation of our fanpage, data will also be transferred to third countries by the platform operator.

Data transfers to third countries related hereto are covered by a European Commission adequacy decision as per Art. 45 GDPR or through appropriate safeguards as per Art. 46 GDPR:


Google Inc. is Privacy Shield certified: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active.

Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding, Google must also afford the data subjects different rights, which are then asserted directly towards Google.

We have no influence over data transfers to third countries undertaken by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Logic involved and significance of profiling and/or automated decision-making based on the collected data

If the persons concerned can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operated is obligated to inform them of this, as per the agreement within the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR. In particular, the platform operator is obligated to advise the data subjects of the purposes and legal bases, if, after visiting a subpage of our fanpage, a session cookie and three cookies with a length of between four months and two years have been stored.

Information about this can be found using the following link:


We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Rights of the data subjects

Those with joint responsibility must grant the persons concerned different rights with regards to the processing of their data, which are, based on the agreement within in the meaning of Art. 26 (1) GDPR asserted directly towards the platform operator:


As per Art. 15 to Art. 18 GDPR, in certain circumstances, the data subject has the right to access, correction or deletion of their respective personal data or the right to restrict data processing by controllers. Data subjects also have the right to withdraw any consent they have given relating to the processing of their personal data at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). They can object (Art. 21 (1) GDPR) to the further processing of their data, with the exception of in the legitimate interests of the controller as per Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, if there are compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular personal situation and the controller has no compelling legitimate grounds for processing the data. If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future (Art. 21 (2) GDPR). If data is processed with the consent of the data subject in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a), Art. 9 (1) a) GDPR or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR based on a contract with the data subject, and is processed with the assistance of automated systems, the data subject can, as per Art. 20 (1) GDPR, request to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have said data transmitted to a third party nominated by the data subject.

In principle, data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing as per Art. 22 (1) GDPR. If such an automated decision is permitted as per Art. 22 (2) a) to c) GDPR, the data subject is afforded the following rights as per Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express their point of view, the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, the right to contest the automated decision (right of appeal).

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if they are of the view that the processing of their personal data violates the General Data Protection Act, Art. 77 GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator is:

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland


Webadresse: http://gdprandyou.ie/contact-us/


social network:

LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/

Please be advised that LinkedIn is just one of a number of ways of getting in touch with us and receiving information from us.

Our LinkedIn account (‘fanpage’) is operated jointly with (‘platform operator’):

LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA

Controller for processing the data of subjects living in the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland:

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Wilton Place
Dublin 2

An agreement in line with Art. 26 (1) GDPR has been drawn up between those with joint responsibility to determine who is responsible for what in relation to GDPR

The platform operator will make the main contents of this agreement available to the data subjects: Not currently available

Data privacy contact information:

Data privacy contact information can be found in our privacy statement linked to here.

The platform operator’s data protection officer can be contacted using the following online form https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/TSO-DPO or at the following address:

Jonathan Adams
Senior Privacy Counsel

LinkedIn Corporation
Legal Department - Privacy
1000 W. Maude Ave.
Sunnyvale, California 94085

Categories of data subjects:

fanpage visitors that are registered with the social network and those that are not

Data subjects’ are hereby notified that they are responsible for their own use of LinkedIn and its related functions. This applies, in particular, to the use of interactive functions (e.g. sharing, rating).

Categories of personal data:

Data that we process from registered visitors to our fanpage:

User ID or user name that the data subject has registered with, freely available profile information (name, email address, telephone number), ProFinder profile information, education, professional experience, salary expectations, photos, location data, skills and related certification, professional achievements (e.g. granting of a patent, professional recognition, projects), where applicable particular categories of personal data such as religious affiliation, health data etc., data arising from the sharing of content, exchanging messages and communication, data required as part of initiating and processing a contract requested by the registered user, any other freely available data or content published, made available, circulated, posted or uploaded by the data subject on LinkedIn or via their LinkedIn account.

Apart from this we only process pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts as well as evaluations of the number of applications submitted via LinkedIn. 

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

                Data that we process from non-registered visitors to our fanpage:

pseudonymized data such as statistics and insights about how users interact with posts, pages, videos and other content made available on the fanpage (page activity, page views, “likes” data, reach, general demographics, location and interest related data by age, gender, state, city, language), evaluations of the success and background of our adverts.

We are unable to match the pseudonymized data with the corresponding identifying features (e.g. name). We are, therefore, unable to identify individual visitors that remain anonymous to us.

                Data that we process from visitors to our website:

The IP addresses of our website visitors are not transmitted to the platform operator via the LinkedIn buttons (hard link) on our webpage.

                The following link gives details of the data that the platform operator processes concerning registered and non-registered visitors to our fanpage:


The platform operator potentially uses various analysis tools.

We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Data origins

We receive data either directly from the data subjects or from the platform operator.

The following link provides information on where the platform operator obtains data subject’s information: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Legal basis for processing data

We process data on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subjects

  • where applicable Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR: Performance of a contract with the data subject or implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject
  • Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR legitimate interest
    • To simplify communication and the exchange of data, whereby the existing communication channels, such as web presence, press releases, print media and events, are usefully supplemented by the fanpage
    • To promote the sales of our products and services, drive demand, to recruit in a transparent way and regular contributions
    • To optimize our fanpage

We only process special categories of personal data, if at all, on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 9 (2) a) GDPR: Consent of the data subject
  • Art. 9 (2) e) GDPR: The data subject has manifestly made the personal data public

The legal bases used by the platform operator for the processing of data can be found using the following link:


We have no influence or control over whether the collection of data by the platform operator is lawful.

Purpose of data processing

We process data for the following purposes:

  • Public image and advertising
  • Communication and data exchange
  • Event management
  • Contract initiation and processing, where applicable

Information about the platform operator’s purposes for processing data can be found using the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

We have no influence over the purposes for which the platform operator actually uses data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Storage period

The storage and deletion of data is the responsibility of the platform operator. Information about this can be found using the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

We have no influence over whether the platform operator adheres to the legal deletion deadlines nor over the way in which they delete the data. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Categories of receiver

Only our employees and service providers that look after our fanpage and require data for the above mentioned purposes have access to data we process. If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users

The categories of receivers that the platform operator discloses information to or that registered users disclose their data to, and information about internal corporate data exchanges can be found using the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

We have no influence on the disclosure of data to individual receivers (categories) by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Data transfer to third countries

If the data subjects have posted their data publicly on our fanpage, then it will be accessible by our registered and, where applicable, non-registered users across the world.

Data from the LinkedIn Corporation will be processed as part of the operation of our fanpage. The related transfer of data to the USA as a third country without an adequate level of data privacy protection is safeguarded by LinkedIn Corporation’s EU-US Privacy Shield certification:


Regardless of where the data subject resides, the platform operator will transfer data to the United states, Ireland and any other country where the platform operator does business, store it there and process it in other ways.

Data transfers to third countries related hereto are covered by a European Commission adequacy decision as per Art. 45 GDPR or through appropriate safeguards as per Art. 46 GDPR:




We have no influence over data transfers to third countries undertaken by the platform operator. We also have no effective methods for controlling this.

Logic involved and significance of profiling and/or automated decision-making based on the collected data

If the data subjects can be tracked through the collection of their data, be that through the use of cookies or similar techniques, or through the storing of IP addresses, the platform operator is obligated to inform them of this. Information about this can be found using the following links:





The platform operator potentially uses various analysis tools.

We have no control over the use of any such tools by the platform operator and would not expect to be informed about any potential use of the same. If tools of this kind are used by the platform operator on our fanpage, we have neither commissioned nor condoned them, nor do we support their use in any way. Neither do we have access to the resultant data analysis. Furthermore, it is not possible for us to prevent the use of such tools on our fanpage, turn them off or otherwise effectively control their usage.

Rights of the data subjects

Those with joint responsibility must grant the persons concerned different rights with regards to the processing of their data, which are then asserted directly towards the platform operator:

As per Art. 15 to Art. 18 GDPR, in certain circumstances, the data subject has the right to access, correction or deletion of their respective personal data or the right to restrict data processing by controllers. Data subjects also have the right to withdraw any consent they have given relating to the processing of their personal data at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). They can object (Art. 21 (1) GDPR) to the further processing of their data, with the exception of in the legitimate interests of the controller as per Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR, if there are compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular personal situation and the controller has no compelling legitimate grounds for processing the data. If personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future (Art. 21 (2) GDPR). If data is processed with the consent of the data subject in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a), Art. 9 (1) a) GDPR or in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR based on a contract with the data subject, and is processed with the assistance of automated systems, the data subject can, as per Art. 20 (1) GDPR, request to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have said data transmitted to a third party nominated by the data subject.

In principle, data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing as per Art. 22 (1) GDPR. If such an automated decision is permitted as per Art. 22 (2) a) to c) GDPR, the data subject is afforded the following rights as per Art. 22 (3) GDPR: the right to express their point of view, the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, the right to contest the automated decision (right of appeal).

  • Data subjects can find information about existing personalization and data protection settings options here (with additional references):



  • Due to the EU-US Privacy Shield understanding LinkedIn Corporation Inc. must also afford the data subjects different rights, which are then asserted directly towards LinkedIn Corporation: privacyshield@linkedin.com
  • Further information about this social network and other social network and how data subjects can protect their data, can be found here: https://www.youngdata.de/.

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if they are of the view that the processing of their personal data violates the General Data Protection Act, Art. 77 GDPR. The supervisory authority responsible for the platform operator is:

Data Protection Commission

21 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2
D02 RD28, Ireland

Webadresse: https://www.dataprotection.ie/docs/Contact-us/b/11.htm

Webadresse: http://gdprandyou.ie/contact-us/