Motorbike Benzinstabilisator

SKU: P003135

Preserves fuel and protects against premature aging and oxidation during long term storage. Prevents corrosion in fuel system and increases operational reliability of 2- and 4-stroke engines in motor scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles etc. during long-term storage.

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  • simple to use
  • increases operational reliability
  • ideal with catalytic converters
  • has a lasting effect
  • protects fuel against oxidation and aging
  • Show more
warn-image WARNING: Cancer -

Preserves fuel and protects against premature aging and oxidation during long term storage. Prevents corrosion in fuel system and increases operational reliability of 2- and 4-stroke engines in motor scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles etc. during long-term storage.

Tech tip
Preporuka za primjenu prije skladištenja tijekom zime: Napunite pretposljednji spremnik aditivom Motorbike 4T Bike kako biste očistili cijeli sustav goriva i sustav pripreme goriva, prije svega mlaznice. Zatim pri posljednjem punjenju spremnika prije stavljanja izvan pogona gorivu dodajte stabilizator benzina za motocikle u dozi od 5 ml po 1 l goriva. Tijekom vožnje to će se savršeno pomiješati čime će se cijeli sustav goriva napuniti stabilizatorom benzina za motocikle. Savjet: Kod motora s rasplinjačem dodatno ispraznite komore plovka kako se plovci ne bi napunili sredstvom dok je motor ugašen!
Container type
Container contents
Language line
Pallet unit
Container type: Dispensing bottle plastic
Container contents: 250 ml
Language line: D-GB-E-P
PU: 6
Pallet unit: 1728

Product Information

Product Information

Safety data sheets

Safety data sheets

Images and documents

Motor oils made in Germany

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