Added value through additive concepts

Offer your customers efficient services with our Pro-Line additives specially developed for the workshop, or secure attractive extra revenue with additives in the sales area.

Our Pro-Line additive range, specially developed for workshops, contains a variety of different problem solvers for daily workshop needs. Whether it’s cleaning the systems, optimizing performance or protecting against wear: Our Pro-Line additives enable you to offer your customers effective and inexpensive services with very little effort on your part. This increases the efficiency of your business and ensures even greater customer satisfaction through the additional services.

In addition, by offering additives as DIY problem solvers in your sales area, you can easily secure extra revenue. Don't miss this opportunity to offer your customers an extended service portfolio with additives.

Request a quote now or get personal advice on your premises. 

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Your advan­tages from services with Pro-Line additives

  • Expand your service portfolio by using additives for problem solving (e.g. reduction of pollutant emissions before the exhaust emissions test) as well as for professional cleaning, performance optimization and wear protection.
  • Perform services particularly efficiently in the shortest possible time and at low costs.
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty through alternative solutions. For example, cleaning the systems or components (e.g. DPF) with additives is in many cases cheaper than replacing them.

How to convince your customers

Raise awareness of the problem

Use advertising and information materials actively and address your customers proactively about possible problems such as increased fuel consumption, difficulty starting or poor exhaust emissions values. In many cases, your customers are not even aware of the various problems or possible solutions.

Explain the conse­quences and point out possible solutions

Explain to your customers in simple words and in combination with information materials such as pictures or diagrams (e.g. compression test logs) the background and causes of problems that arise (e.g. contamination in the system), the resulting consequences (rough engine running, high fuel consumption) or possible consequential damage (replacement of valves etc.) as well as the corresponding costs. Discuss the advantages and modes of action of the additives, which are cheaper than repairs, and always focus on the benefits.

Use additives preven­tively

Does the customer currently have no problems with their vehicle? This should certainly remain the case in the long term. For this reason, recommend suitable services from your workshop or the purchase of appropriate additives that are available from you and which the customer can use preventively themselves.

All additives have been precisely tested for compatibility with all fuels and motor oils. Negative effects are guaranteed not to take place.

Pro-Line additives