- 09/11/2024
- 2min
New API SP engine oil specification in the motorcycle sector

The emissions regulations for motorcycles will be raised to the EURO 5+ standard for new vehicles in the EU on January 1, 2025. This now also includes noise regulations. The existing exhaust emission limits are now checked using even more stringent measurement methods, which are much closer to the actual driving conditions and everyday use than before.
Engine oil contributes to compliance with the stricter emissions regulations. In particular, the internal cleanliness of the engine plays an important role here. Only clean and deposit-free engine components in the engine oil circuit perform their task optimally. The engine oil reaches the lubrication points of the clean components unimpeded and in the specified quantity. Piston rings that are largely kept free of combustion residues result in improved compression - for optimum power output with rather low wear characteristics and better exhaust values. The better the dirt-dissolving and dirt-carrying capacity of an engine oil, the cleaner the engine components can be kept. This is related to the base oil qualities, in combination with the engine oil formulations or specifications according to API and JASO.
For this reason, we have now introduced the latest API SP engine oil specification for motorbike multigrade engine oils: this puts us one step ahead of the motorcycle manufacturers’ most demanding engine oil specifications and optimally prepared for future specification extensions. The improved internal cleanliness of the engine results in better combustion of the fuel/air mixture. This makes it easier for the new EURO 5+ engines to comply with the exhaust gas values. In addition, many vehicles can be covered with backwards-compatible oils.