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Short-distance trips – effects and their prevention

Effects of short-distance driving on the engine system
Frequent cold starts due to short-distance operation below the 10 km limit, such as in the city, have a negative effect on the way the engine works. The optimum operating temperature cannot be reached in this short time. The motor oil does not heat up to the optimum temperature, which is why it does not reach all engine components and therefore cannot lubricate them and protect them against friction, wear and damage.

What is more, the injected fuel is not completely burned due to the lack of temperature. On the one hand, this leads to increased formation of combustion residues, which deposit on the injection nozzles and in the combustion chamber over time. As a result, consumption increases significantly, the engine runs roughly and in the worst case, this leads to expensive engine damage. On the other hand, the unburned portion enters the oil pan and mixes with the motor oil there. This mixing reduces the lubrication performance of the oil, which can also lead to expensive damage in the long term.

The diesel particulate filter is also affected: Diesel particulate filters are essential components for ensuring that modern diesel vehicles meet the statutory emission requirements. It filters soot from the exhaust gasses that are generated during fuel combustion and then burns them off. However, the burn-off temperature of approx. 600 °C is not reached on short distances. This results in the diesel particulate filter becoming clogged over time and increased fuel consumption as well as engine problems may occur.
Prevention of damage due to short-distance driving
Short-distance driving causes the oil to become contaminated more quickly than usual. For this reason, you should always replace the contaminated motor oil with new oil at regular oil changes, even outside the intervals specified by the manufacturer. Our service workshops near you will do this quickly and easily for you.

In order to reliably lubricate the individual engine components even during the short warm-up phase, we recommend the use of Cera Tec for frequent short-distance driving. Thanks to the graphite-like solid lubricants it contains, the engine is optimally lubricated even below its actual operating temperature and thus highly efficiently protected.

In addition, you should regularly clean the injection system of any deposits or, even better, prevent them from forming in the first place. The Super Diesel Additive and the Injection Cleaner are suitable for both purposes. You can easily use these yourself and add them to the fuel every time you refuel. The fuel additives clean the injection system of deposits and prevent them forming again despite further short journeys. Burnt-on residues are reliably removed from the nozzle needles and the ignitability of the fuel is increased. The combustion process of the fuel is also optimized at low engine temperatures, which means that significantly fewer fuel residues enter the engine oil, thus reducing its contamination.

In order to keep the particulate filter fully functional in the long term, even when frequently driving short distances, we recommend using the Diesel Particulate Filter Protector as a precautionary measure. The highly effective additive reduces soot formation during fuel combustion, serves as a regeneration aid for the diesel particulate filter and thus effectively contributes to reducing the engine emissions.