Top Tec ATF 1400
Next generation synthetic technology automatic transmission fluid with extremely high performance reserves. Prevents the build-up of troublesome deposits and retains the full transmission performance over the long term. Produces optimum friction characteristics and guarantees outstanding resistance to aging. Assures reliable operation of the assemb ...
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LIQUI MOLY recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original spare part numbers are required:
Dodge CVTF+4/NS-2, Ford CVT23/CVT30, Ford Mercon C, GM/Saturn DEX-CVT, Honda HCF2/HMMF, Hyundai SP-CVT 1, Jeep CVTF+4/NS-2, Kia SP-CVT 1, MB 236.20, Mini Cooper (EZL 799), Mitsubishi CVTF-J1/CVTF-J4, Nissan CVT NS-2 Fluid/CVT NS-3 Fluid, Subaru E-CVT ...
- excellent wear resistance
- extremely stable to aging
- excellent corrosion protection
- outstanding resistance to oxidation
- outstanding friction characteristics
- prevents foam formation
- excellent viscosity/temperature properties
- very good low-temperature properties
- EUH210 Safety data sheet available on request.
- EUH210 Safety data sheet available on request.
- EUH210 Safety data sheet available on request.
- EUH210 Safety data sheet available on request.
Shake well before use. The specifications and instructions from the assembly or vehicle manufacturer must be followed. Optimum effect only when the product is used unmixed.Dodge CVTF+4, Dodge NS-2, Ford CVT23, Ford CVT30, Ford Mercon C, GM/Saturn DEX-CVT, Honda HCF2, Honda HMMF, Hyundai SP-CVT 1, Jeep CVTF+4, Jeep NS-2, Kia SP-CVT 1, MB 236.20, Mini Cooper (EZL 799), Mitsubishi CVTF-J1, Mitsubishi CVTF-J4, Nissan CVT NS-2 Fluid, Nissan NS-3 CVT Fluid, Subaru E-CVT, Subaru High Torque CVTF, Subaru Lineartronic CV-30, Subaru Lineartronic CVTF, Subaru Lineartronic CVTF II, Subaru NS-2, Suzuki CVT Green1, Suzuki CVT Green2, Suzuki NS-2, Suzuki TC, Toyota CVTF FE, Toyota TC, VW G 052 180, VW G 052 516
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Product Information
Safety data sheets
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Product Information
Safety data sheets
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Product Information
Safety data sheets
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