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Dem Motoröl wird Molybdändisulfid beigemischt. Dieses anthrazitfarbene Additiv überlagert die „normale“ Farbgebung des Öles.

Ja. Die Mischbarkeit der Motoröle untereinander muss gegeben sein, um ein Nachfüllen jederzeit zu gewährleisten. Jedoch wird – abhängig vom verwendeten Nachfüllöl – die Qualität bzw. die Eigenschaften des bestehenden Öls verändert.

Unabhängig davon ob mineralisch oder synthetisch, die Herstellerfreigaben eines Öls sollten immer beachtet werden.

Ausschlaggebend für die Auswahl eines Öls sind die Qualität und die Herstellerfreigaben, nicht die Viskosität. Diese Angaben befinden sich auf dem Gebindeetikett. Die Angabe 5W-30 bezieht sich lediglich auf den Flüssigkeitszustand eines Öles bei einer bestimmten Temperatur und ist keine Qualitätsangabe.

Grundsätzlich sind die Angaben der Gasanlagenhersteller und der Motorhersteller zu beachten. Gibt der Fahrzeughersteller allgemeinere Spezifikationen frei (z. B. ACEA C2/C3 oder C4), so sind aschearme Öle entsprechend dieser Spezifikationen bei Gasbetrieb zu bevorzugen. Außerdem ist Cera Tec als Ölzusatz für gasbetriebene Motoren grundsätzlich von Vorteil.

Die Mindesthaltbarkeit bei Kleingebinden beträgt fünf Jahre – vorausgesetzt eine trockene Lagerung bei Temperaturen zwischen + 5 °C und + 30 °C sowie keine direkte Sonneneinstrahlung. Zum Aufbewahren eignet sich idealerweise der Keller und nicht die Garage.

Da sich auch nach dem Ölwechsel Rußrückstände im Ölkreislauf befinden, ist das Öl oftmals nach den ersten Umdrehungen des Motors wieder schwarz eingefärbt. Dies ist jedoch kein Grund zur Panik. Im Gegenteil: Es zeigt, dass das Motoröl den Kreislauf reinigt, Ablagerungen aufnimmt und diese zum Ölfilter transportiert.

Ja! Moderne Motoren sind hochkomplexe mechanische Aggregate. Diese benötigen einen auf Materialien und Eigenschaften abgestimmten Schmierstoff, dessen Anforderungen sich von Motor zu Motor unterscheiden können. Die Verwendung von falschem Motoröl kann zu erhöhtem Verschleiß und Motorschäden führen.

Ohne eine fundierte Laboranalyse des Altöls kann der genaue Zustand eines Motoröls nicht beurteilt werden. Wann ein Wechsel des Schmierstoffs nötig ist, entscheidet daher entweder das Fahrzeug selbst (variabel) oder aber der Wechsel wurde seitens des Herstellers auf ein fixes Laufleistungs- oder Zeitintervall festgelegt.

Im Falle eines variablen Wechselintervalls zeigt Ihnen das Fahrzeug an, wann ein Wechsel fällig wird. Die Laufleistung bis zum nächsten Wechsel lässt sich im Fahrzeugmenü einfach abfragen. Sollte ein fester Wechsel vorgeschrieben sein, steht der Termin meist auf dem Ölzettel im Motorraum oder im Serviceheft des Fahrzeugs.

Wie auch beim Auto gilt es grundsätzlich, bei der Auswahl des Öls für Schneefräsen den Empfehlungen des Herstellers zu folgen. Die Erfahrung zeigt jedoch, dass unser Special Tec LL 5W-30 die Mehrheit der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Schneefräsen abdeckt.

Der Füllstand des Motorenöls wird immer im betriebswarmen Zustand gemessen. Dadurch ist gewährleistet, dass der Motor imTemperaturbereich, in dem er sich die meiste Zeit befindet, optimal mit Schmiermittel versorgt wird.

Wichtig bei der Auswahl des passenden Motorenöls ist die vom Fahrzeughersteller vorgegebene Spezifikation oder Freigabe, welche sich in der Betriebsanleitung des Fahrzeugs findet. Ist diese auf dem Etikett eines Öls aufgeführt, kann dieses Öl für den jeweiligen Motor verwendet werden.

Eine andere Möglichkeit, das richtige Motoröl für Ihr Fahrzeug zu finden bietet unser Ölwegweiser.

Eine pauschale Aussage, wie häufig Motoröl nachgefüllt werden muss, kann nicht getroffen werden. Der Ölverbrauch kann selbst bei baugleichen Motoren stark variieren und ist von diversen Faktren abhängig. Solange keine automatische Ölfüllstandskontrolle verbaut ist, gilt es, den Ölstand regelmäßig zu prüfen und entsprechend zu reagieren.

Die Farbe eines Motoröls lässt keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf Qualität bzw. Alter zu. So gibt es z. B. chemische Zusätze, welche die eigentliche Farbgebung (Bernstein) des Öls überlagern und es dadurch einfärben.

Wird ein Fahrzeug hauptsächlich auf Kurzstrecken bewegt, wird das Kondenswasser, welches durch Temperaturunterschiede entsteht, mit dem Öl vermischt und verdampft nicht. Diese Öl-Wasser-Emulsion lagert sich dann im gesamten Motor ab. Sichtbar wird dies an der Öleinfüllöffnung in Form von hellbraunem Schlamm. Verwenden Sie die Ölschlammspülung, um den Motor davon zu befreien.

Moderne Motorenöle erfüllen sowohl die Anforderungen von Benzin- als auch Dieselmotoren. Wichtig bei der Auswahl des passenden Motoröls ist die vom Fahrzeughersteller vorgegebene Spezifikation oder Freigabe. Ist diese auf dem Produkt vorzufinden, kann das Öl für den jeweiligen Motor verwendet werden. Egal, ob Diesel oder Benziner.

Der Ölstand des Motors muss immer zwischen dem angegebenem Min-Max-Bereich liegen. Denn sowohl zu wenig als auch zu viel Öl kann dem Motor erheblichen Schaden zuführen.

Füllt man zu viel Öl nach, kann dies zu vermehrter Luftblasenbildung führen. Diese Luftblasen werden dann von der Ölpumpe angesaugt und durch den Motor an die Schmierstellen befördert. Da Luft nicht schmiert, entsteht an den zu schmierenden Reibpartnern vermehrt Verschleiß, was zu einem Motorschaden führen kann.

Ein weiteres Problem der Überfüllung ist ein erhöhter Öldruck. Dieser kann dazu führen, dass Dichtungen, welche das Öl im Motor halten sollen, aus ihrer eigentlichen Position herausgerissen oder beschädigt werden und so der Motor undicht wird.

Um das Motoröl seines Fahrzeugs nachzufüllen, muss man kein Fachmann sein. Jedoch gibt es ein zwei wesentliche Dinge zu beachten:

  1. Die richtige Ölmenge
    Bevor das Motoröl nachgefüllt wird, muss der genaue Ölstand geprüft werden. Dies erfolgt mittels des Ölmessstabs (meist farblich gekennzeichnet im Bereich des Öleinfüllstutzens) oder des Fahrzeugmenüs. Das Fahrzeug muss dabei auf einer ebenen Fläche stehen.
    Zum Messen mit dem Ölmessstab diesen einfach herausziehen, anhaftendes Öl abwischen, wieder hineinstecken und nochmals herausziehen. Nun ist der genaue Ölstand ablesbar. Am Ölmessstab liegt zwischen den Markierungen MIN. und MAX. in der Regel ein Liter.
  2. Das richtige Motoröl
    Falls Sie nicht wissen, welches Öl Sie verwenden müssen, hilft Ihnen unser Ölwegweiser weiter.

Nein. Sie können selbstverständlich immer das passende LIQUI MOLY-Produkt verwenden.

Die Mischbarkeit moderner Motorenöle untereinander, egal welcher Art, muss unter allen Umständen gegeben sein. Denn nicht immer ist gewährleistet, dass der Durchschnittsautofahrer weiß, welches Motorenöl von der Werkstatt beim Ölwechsel verwendet wurde.

Kleinere Mengen wie z. B. beim Nachfüllen des Öls (c. a. 1 Liter) sind daher kein Problem. Von der Mischung größeren Ölmengen raten wir jedoch ab, da sich die Wirksamkeit der unterschiedichen Motoröle dadurch unter Umständen beeinflussen kann.


Ja, denn Öl-Verlust Stop enthält Weichmacher und Viskositätsverbesserer. Es regeneriert Elastomerdichtungen und wirkt bei hohen Temperaturen leicht viskositätserhöhend. Dies bewirkt eine effizientere Schmierung bei Turboladerlagern.

Alle Informationen zu den Mischverhältnissen einzelner Produkte finden Sie auf den Produktdetailseiten, auf den Produktdatenblättern oder dem Etikett auf der Dose.

Nein, bei diesen Kraftstoffen tritt keine Verbesserung der Tieftemperaturbeständigkeit ein.

Ja, unsere Öl- und Kraftstoffadditive sind in ihrer Formulierung so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass diese sich und das Gesamtgemisch nicht negativ beeinflussen.

Bei Verwendung von herkömmlichen Sommerdieselkraftstoffen, die eine Tieftemperaturbeständigkeit von 0 Grad Celsius aufweisen, wird bei eingehaltener Dosierung von Diesel Fließ Fit eine Verbesserung auf -6 bis -8 Grad Celsius erreicht.

Bei im Ölbad laufenden Kupplungen können pro Liter Motorenöl 20 ml Additiv beigemischt werden. So kommt es zu keinem Kupplungsrutschen. Für die perfekte Dosierung empfehlen wir das Motorbike Oil Additive oder den Motorbike MoS2 Shooter.

Vor dem Einsatz von Motor Protect bei im Ölbad laufenden Kupplungen raten wir jedoch ab.

Ja, Motor Protect kann in modernen Longlife-Ölen wie z. B. Synthoil Longtime Plus 0W-30 und Synthoil Longtime 0W-30 eingesetzt werden.

Davon raten wir ab. Der Einsatz von Öl-Verlust Stop in Motoren mit im Motoröl laufender Kupplung kann aufgrund der enthaltenen Additive zu Kupplungsrutschen führen.

Generell ja. LIQUI MOLY verfügt jedoch über ein spezielles Motorradprogramm, bei dem diese Formulierung speziell auf die geringeren Tankvolumina der Motorräder abgestimmt ist.

Ja, dies ist durch einen Feldtest mit Firmenfahrzeugen erprobt. Das Oil Additiv mindert den Verschleiß um ca. 30 %.

Ja, die Mischung von maximal zwei verschiedenen Motoröladditiven ist grundsätzlich möglich. Der Gesamtadditivanteil von maximal 10 Prozent im Motoröl sollte dabei aber nicht überschritten werden. 

Einige Additive heben ihre Wirkungsweise jedoch gegenseitig auf. Bitte beachten Sie hier unsere Matrix, welche Additive miteinander kombinierbar sind.

Wir empfehlen es grundsätzlich nicht, manche Kombinationen sind jedoch möglich. Kontaktieren Sie bitte unsere Anwendungstechniker bzgl. Ihres konkreten Anliegens.


Nein. 2-Takt-Öl löst sich vollkommen in Kraftstoff und entmischt sich auch nach langer Standzeit nicht.

Nein! HLP-Öle sind Hydrauliköle und nicht für den Einsatz in Servolenkungen geeignet. Im schlimmsten Fall kann es – gerade bei niedrigen Temperaturen – dadurch zum Ausfall der Lenkung kommen. Deshalb unbedingt auf die Herstellerfreigaben und -anforderungen achten, da die Lenkung ein sicherheitsrelevantes Bauteil ist.


Good to know

The Association des Constructeurs Européens d`Automobiles forms the oil standard for European vehicle or motor manufacturers. Here – as with API – oils for petrol motors (A) and light diesel motors (B) are differentiated. Unlike with the API, at the ACEA every category has its own meaning and cannot be used backwards compatibly.


5.3.1 Car petrol and diesel motors


A1/B1High-performance motor oil for petrol and diesel motors, so-called fuel economy motor oils with particularly low High Temperature High Shear viscosity (2,9 - 3,5 mPA*s). Reserved for viscosity class xW-20. Invalid since 12/2016.
A3/B4  High-performance motor oil for petrol and diesel motors, extends and replaces conventional motor oils like ACEA A2/B2 and A3/B3 and can be used for extended change intervals.
A5/B5 High-performance motor oil for petrol and diesel motors, so-called fuel economy motor oils with particularly low High Temperature High Shear viscosity (2,9 - 3,5 mPa*s). Reserved for viscosity classes are xW-30 and xW-40.


5.3.2 Car diesel motors with diesel particulate filters


C1 Category for low SAPS oil with reduced HTHS viscosity ≥ 2.9 mPa*s, low viscosity, performance as with A5/B5, but with very limited proportions of sulfate ash, phosphorous, sulfur.
C2 Category for low SAPS oil with reduced HTHS viscosity ≥ 2.9 mPa*s, low viscosity, performance as with A5/B5, with limited, but higher proportions of sulfate ash, phosphorous, sulfur compared to C1.
C3  Category for low SAPS oil with high HTHS viscosity ≥ 3.5 mPa*s, low viscosity, performance as with A3/B4, with limited, but higher proportions of sulfate ash, phosphorous, sulfur compared to C1.
C4 Category for low SAPS oil with high HTHS viscosity ≥ 3.5 mPa*s, low viscosity, performance as with A3/B4, with the same proportions of sulfate ash and sulfur, but increased proportion compared to C1.
C5C5 category for mid-SAPS oil with reduced HTHS 2.6 – 2.9 mPas*s, low viscosity, for even more improved and optimum fuel savings, for vehicles with state-of-the-art exhaust aftertreatment systems, only for engines meeting the corresponding technical requirements.


5.3.3 Commercial vehicle diesel motors


E1 Category not up to date.
E2 Category not up to date.
E3  Category is included in ACEA E7.
E4 Based on MB 228.5, extended oil change possible, suitable for Euro 3 motors.
E5 Category is included in ACEA E7.
E6 Category for EGR motors with/without diesel particulate filters (DPF) and SCR-NOX motors. Recommended for motors with diesel particulate filters combined with sulfur-free fuel. Sulfate ash content max. 1%.
E7 Category for motors without diesel particulate filters (DPF) of the most EGR motors and the most SCR-NOX motors. Sulfate ash content max. 2 %.
E9 Category for motors with/without diesel particulate filters (DPF) of the most EGR motors and the most SCR-NOX motors. Recommended for motors with diesel particulate filters combined with sulfur-free fuel. Sulfate ash content max. 1%.

The American Petrol Institute fundamentally differentiates between two different types of motor oil: On the one hand, motor oils for gasoline motors (S), on the other, motor oils for diesel motors (C). The letter following the first letter, e.g. "G" or "H", defines the quality of the lubricant. The later in the alphabet this letter is, the higher quality the motor oil is. The higher classifications such as API SN can be used by API for the preceding classifications without hesitation, e.g. API SL. For motor oils for diesel motors a "4" can additionally be displayed. This addition identifies the suitability for large motors such as trucks or buses (heavy duty).

The viscosity gives only information about the inner friction of a motor or gearbox oil and therefore does not define any kind of qualitative properties. This means that a motor oil that fulfills a viscosity as per SAE has a prescribed flow behavior at various temperatures. The viscosity is divided into the cold start range (e.g. 0W) and the operating temperature range (e.g. 30). The higher the given figure, the more viscous the motor/gearbox oil is in the corresponding temperature range. The letter "W" identifies the winter suitability of the oil (multi-grade oil). If this addition is missing, then the oil may only be used in summer.

Up to which low temperature a motor/gearbox oil can be used depends on the flowability in the limit temperature range. The deeper the expected temperature, the less viscous the oil has to be.

In order to select the correct motor oil, two pieces of information are required. Firstly, the viscosity, and, secondly, the quality is required. Numerous organizations have arisen over the past few decades for these classifications: ■SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) ■API (American Petrol Institute) ■ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Européens d’Automobiles) ■ILSAC (International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee) ■JASO (Japanese Automotive Standards Organization) The well-known European vehicle or motor manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, VW …) conform to SAE for viscosity information and ACEA for quality information. The motor oils to be used for import vehicles that were developed outside of Europe (Toyota, Mitsubishi, Chrysler ...) mainly conform to API or ILSAC and SAE.


An unwanted byproduct of circulation lubrication is the inclusion of small air bubbles in the motor oil. Anti-foam additives cause a significant reduction of foam created in the circulation of oil (air pockets).

Viscosity index improvers are macromolecular polymers (combination of macromolecules) that are constructed in such a way that they influence the temperature-dependent viscosity change of an oil. The polymer contracts at low temperatures. This makes the resistance that the polymer opposes an invading body with smaller and the viscosity change of the base oil is equalized..

The PPD additive is used to reduce the solidification point of the lubricant and therefore improve the low temperature properties. The wax crystals included in base oil are changed in their structure by the additive and their growth is significantly slowed down at low temperatures.

Extreme Pressure Additives (EP additives) are added to the oil in the form of sulfur or phosphorous in order to prevent fusing due to high pressures or loads of the friction partners. In this case, EP additives in lubricants are indispensable. Under high pressures or loads, high temperatures are created in the lubricant. This causes sulfur (sulfur carriers) or a phosphorous derivative (compounds containing phosphorous) to be released from the EP additive. Under these conditions, the released substance immediately reacts with the metal surface to metal sulfides or phosphates. The connections form on the metal surface layers that are sheared off under the high pressure, with which a fusing of the metal surfaces is prevented.

Detergents are wash-active substances in the oil, which prevent the formation of deposits or free the motor of them. If these are used up by exceeded oil change intervals, for example, the result is the increased formation of deposits (see picture). This causes friction to measurably increase in the motor, risking motor damage.
In most cases the base oil alone is not sufficient to cover the many tasks that an oil has to fulfill in a motor, for example. For a reliable lubrication and seamless operation the base oils of additives are added. With the help of these additives, certain properties of the oil can be improved or completely new properties achieved. The list of the additives used for this is varied and long. The individual materials are, depending on the requirement, comprised in an additive package. This package added to the base oil heated from 40 °C to 60 °C and is stirred until it is completely dissolved in the oil. In modern motor oils the concentration of additives can be up to 30% or less than 1% in gearbox oils. Fundamentally, you can differentiate between two types of additives:
    ■Additives that have an effect on the base oil, e.g. pour point improvers, anti-foam additives or viscosity index improvers.
    ■Additives that have an effect on the material surfaces (bearings, cylinders …), e.g. bonding enhancers or friction modifiers (friction value improvers).
    Here is a list of the properties of an oil that can be influenced by additives:
    Hydrocracked base oil combines the positive properties of mineral and fully synthetic base oils with one another. This base oil type offers a very good thermal stability and resistance to aging with simultaneously absolute material compatibility. The basis for hydrocracked base oils are formed by the paraffin taken from the mineral oil extraction. The paraffin is made up of long-chained molecule compounds (> C35). These are split open in the presence of a catalytic converter under a pressure of 70 - 200 bar and temperatures of up to 500 °C and shortened to a useful length of C20 – C35 (catalytic hydrocracking). The liquid in the vacuum is subsequently distilled, in order to avoid the cracking of the molecule chains. In the last step, any paraffin deposits are removed
    Fully synthetic base oil is mainly characterized by its very good thermal stability and cleaning performance. As high performance as it is, so laborious its manufacture also is. So-called naphtha (petrol without additives) serves as the base product. Naphta in cracked in the first step, which means that the molecule chains (C5 – C12) split open and are broken down to a length of C2 – C3. The former liquid is now gaseous. In the consequent synthesis process the short molecule chains (C2 – C3) are added to long molecule chains (C20 – C35) and sealed by adding hydrogen (hydrogenation).
    Mineral base oil is the simplest and oldest form of base oil. In manufacturing the already described crude oil serves as a direct base product. The crude oil is heated in a furnace and disassembled into its natural components (distilled). Then unwanted and damaging components are removed from the distillate by the refining process or by dewaxing. Thanks to the subsequent hydrofinishing, the raffinate specifically has hydrogen added to it, which closes the open molecule chains and therefore significantly increases the aging stability.

    Base oils form the base product for the manufacturing of motor oils. The various base oils (mineral, hydrocracked or fully synthetic) are manufactured by various refinery processes (see sketch).

    Crude petroleum was created by dead plankton that sank to the bottom of the seabed millions of years ago. Over the course of time, sand and stones built up on top of it. Due to this impermeable layer and under oxygen exclusion, pressure and heat, the conversion of these "lifeforms" into crude petroleum took place. The basic building blocks of crude petroleum are hydrocarbon compounds, which can occur in various chain lengths (C5 - C100).

    Based on European vehicle manufacturers, the prescribed vehicle specifications are based on the motor tests of the ACEA. In order to achieve a manufacturer approval for a certain oil, in addition to the respective ACEA test procedure, further motor tests and requirements must be fulfilled. An overview of which manufacturer specification is based on which ACEA classification can be seen here:

    The Japanese Automobile Standard Organisation sets out the criteria for two-wheel oils. Here increased requirements of friction behavior (wet clutches), shear stability and burning behavior are set out. The JASO and API classifications are always occur together in the two-wheel sector.




    MA   4-stroke motors – high friction value for motorbikes with wet clutches
    MA 2   4-stroke motors – high friction value for motorbikes with wet clutches
    MB   4-stroke motors – low friction value for motorbikes without wet clutches
    FB   2-stroke motors – low cleaning, incomplete combustion
    FC   2-stroke motors – high cleaning, almost complete combustion
    FD   2-stroke motors – highest cleaning, complete combustion

    The International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee is very strongly based on the categories according to API in its classification of motor oils. There are five classification categories for petrol motors, but none for diesel motors.




    GF-1   introduction year 1996, comparable with API SH, category not up to date
    GF-2   introduction year 1997, comparable with API SJ
    GF-3   introduction year 2001, comparable with API SL
    GF-4   introduction year 2004, comparable with API SM
    GF-5   introduction year 2010, comparable with API SN

    Approvals for OPEL motors

    GM LL-A-025 Based on ACEA A3/B3, specification for petrol motors, is replaced by GM Dexos 2
    GM LL-B-025Based on ACEA A3/B4, specification for diesel motors, is replaced by GM Dexos 2
    GM Dexos 2  Based on ACEA C3, applicable for all motors from model year ′10


    Approvals for Mercedes-Benz motors


    MB-Freigabe 229.1   For all cars up to 03/2002, is replaced by MB 229.3
    MB-Freigabe 229.3   For intervals up to 30,000 km, is replaced by MB 229.5
    MB-Freigabe 229.5   Stricter requirements than with 229.3, intervals up to 40,000 km possible
    MB-Freigabe 229.31   Requirements as with 229.3 but low-ash, is replaced by MB 229.51
    MB-Freigabe 229.51   Requirements as with 229.5 but low-ash, is replaced by MB 229.52
    MB-Freigabe 229.52   Increased requirements of oxidation stability and fuel saving
    MB-Freigabe 226.5   Based on Renault RN0700
    MB-Freigabe 226.51   Based on Renault RN0720
    MB-Freigabe 229.6   Based on ACEA A5/B5, not backward compatible
    MB-Freigabe 229.71   Based on ACEA C5, not backward compatible

    Approvals for FORD motors

    WSS-M2C-913-ABased on ACEA A1/B1
    WSS-M2C-913-BBased on ACEA A1/B1, backwards compatible with WSS-M2C-913-A
    WSS-M2C-913-C   Based on ACEA A5/B5, backwards compatible with WSS-M2C-913-B
    WSS-M2C-913-D Based on ACEA A5/B5, replaces WSS-M2C-913-A, B and C
    WSS-M2C-925-B Based on API SM, backwards compatible with WSS-M2C-925-B, is replaced by WSS-M2C-948-B
    WSS-M2C-917-A Based on ACEA A3/B4, counterpart to VW 505.01
    WSS-M2C-934-B Based on ACEA C1, viscosity class 5W-30
    WSS-M2C-948-B Based on API SN, specially developed for Ford EcoBoost motors
    WSS-M2C-950-ABased on ACEA C2, specially developed for Euro 6 TDCi-engines, viscosity class 0W-30

    Approvals for Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia motors

    9.55535-CR1 Based on ILSAC GF-5 or API SN, viscosity class 5W-20
    9.55535-DS1Based on ACEA C2, viscosity class 0W-30
    9.55535-G1  Based on ACEA A1 or A5, viscosity class 5W-30, special development for CNG motors
    9.55535-G2 Based on ACEA A3, viscosity classes 10W-40 and 15W-40, can be used in older gasoline motors
    9.55535-GH2 Based on ACEA C3, viscosity class 5W-40, special development for "1750 turbo motor"
    9.55535-GS1Based on ACEA C2, viscosity class 0W-30, special development for 0.9 Twin Air (turbo) motor
    9.55535-H2Based on ACEA A3, viscosity class 5W-40, suitable for extended change intervals
    9.55535-M2Based on ACEA A3/B4, viscosity classes 0W/5W-40, suitable for extended change intervals
    9.55535-N2 Based on ACEA A3/B4, viscosity class 5W-40, suitable for gasoline and diesel turbo motors
    9.55535-S1 Based on ACEA C2, viscosity class 5W-30, suitable for gasoline and diesel turbo motors with WIV
    9.55535-S2 Based on ACEA C3, viscosity class 5W-40, suitable for gasoline and diesel motors with WIV
    9.55535-S3 Based on ACEA C3, viscosity class 5W-30, special development for Chrysler, Jeep and Lancia
    9.55535-T2Based on ACEA C3, viscosity class 5W-40, special development for gas motors
    9.55535-Z2 Based on A3/B4, viscosity class 5W-40, special development for twin turbo diesel motors


    Approvals for BMW motors


    Longlife-98   Based on ACEA A3/B3, can be used from model year ′98, is replaced by Longlife-01
    Longlife-01   Based on ACEA A3/B4, can be used from model year ′01, is replaced by Longlife-04
    Longlife-04   Based on ACEA C3, can be used from model year ′04
    Longlife-12 FE   Based on ACEA C2, can be used from model year ′13, reduced HTHS viscosity, not backward compatible
    Longlife-14 FE+   Based on ACEA A1/B1, can be used from model year ′14, reduced HTHS viscosity, not backward compatible

    In order to at least be able to get a general answer as to what quality or which properties a gearbox oil corresponds to, over the course of the past few decades, division into by API for manual gearbox and axle drives and by Dexron for automatic gearboxes. The manufacturers made use of this division over a long period of time. After the gearbox became ever more complex, however, this division was no longer sufficient. The viscosity of the manual gearbox and axle drive is – as with motor oils – classified by SAE. The viscosity of automatic gearbox oils, so-called ATF oils (Automatic Transmission Fluid), is not classified by SAE, as the viscosity is a part of the respective manufacturer approval.


    9.1.1 API (manual gearbox or axle drive oils)


    GL 1

    low load hypoid or worm gearbox

    0 % additives

    GL 2

    Worm gearbox (not in road vehicles)

    up to 1.5 % additives

    GL 3 Manual gearbox (vintage) up to 2.7 % additives
    GL 4 Manual gearbox, hypoid gearbox if permitted up to 4 % additives
    GL 5 Hypoid gearbox, manual gearbox if permitted up to 6.5 % additives


    9.1.2 GM Dexron (automatic gearbox)


    In order to be able to ensure a malfunction-free operation, modern gearboxes require a modern high-performance lubricant, which protects the gearbox against friction and, at the same time, does not affect the shifting characteristics. The type and quantity of additives in the lubricant has a significant influence on various parameters, such as the shifting capacity, the change interval, the friction behavior and the wear protection. It is therefore urgently necessary that the classifications or approvals given by the manufacturer are upheld upon changing the gearbox oil. There are as many gearbox oils as there are types of gearbox. They are first roughly differentiated by manual gearbox or axle drive, automatic gearbox and dual-clutch gearbox. Within these upper groups there are various subgroups, which each need a special lubricant aligned to the construction type and purpose of use. In gearbox oils there is no uniform basis that the manufacturers are obliged to uphold (e.g. ACEA). This leads to a variety of special manufacturer approvals.



    24 ATF approvals (MB approval 236.x)

    21 (Hypoid) gearbox oil approvals (MB approval 235.x)


    14 ATF approvals (G 052 xxx, G055 xxx, G060 xxx)

    15 (Hypoid) gearbox oil approvals (G 052 xxx, G055 xxx, G060 xxx)

    In motorbike motors the manufacturers largely forgo their own oil specifications and use the API or JASO determined motor tests for determining oil quality. In addition to determining the oil quality, for motorbikes that are equipped with clutches running in oil baths (wet clutch), higher requirements of shear stability, burning behavior and, above all, friction behavior have to be fulfilled. Whether an oil fulfills these properties can be found out via the JASO specification, which has to be listed under the approvals.

    Approvals for motorbike motors by JASO

    JASO MA(2)4-stroke motors – high friction value for motorbikes with wet clutches
    JASO MB4-stroke motors – low friction value for motorbikes without wet clutches
    JASO FB   2-stroke motors – low cleaning, incomplete combustion
    JASO FC 2-stroke motors – high cleaning, almost complete combustion
    JASO FD2-stroke motors – highest cleaning, complete combustion

    Approvals for VOLVO motors

    Volvo VDSBased on API CD/CE, maintenance intervals up to 50,000 km possible
    Volvo VDS-IIBased on ACEA E7, maintenance intervals up to 60,000 km possible
    Volvo VDS-III     Based on ACEA E5, maintenance intervals up to 100,000 km possible
    Volvo VDS-IVBased on API CJ-4, short-distance, low-ash

    Approvals for SCANIA motors

    Scania LDF Based on ACEA E5
    Scania LDF-2Based on ACEA E7 applicable from Euro 4
    Scania LDF-3Based on ACEA E7 applicable from Euro 6
    Scania Low Ash Basis ACEA E6/E9 (low-ash)

    Approvals for RENAULT motors

    RD/RD-2Based on ACEA E3 + Volvo VDS-2
    RLD/RLD-2 Based on ACEA E7 + Volvo VDS-3
    RLD-3 Based on ACEA E9 + Volvo VDS-4
    RXD Based on ACEA E7 + Volvo VDS-3
    RGD (Gas)Based on ACEA E6 + Volvo VDS-3 + TBN >8

    Approvals for Mercedes-Benz motors

    MB-Freigabe 228.1Basis ACEA E2 + weitere Motorentests
    MB-Freigabe 228.3Basis ACEA E7 + weitere Motorentests
    MB-Freigabe 228.5Basis ACEA E4 + weitere Motorentests, verlängerter Wechselintervall
    MB-Freigabe 228.31Basis ACEA E9 + weitere Motorentests, DPF geeignet
    MB-Freigabe 228.51Basis ACEA E6 + weitere Motorentests, DPF geeignet, verlängerter Wechselintervall
    MB-Freigabe 228.61Basis API FA-4 + weitere Motorentests

    Approvals for MAN motors

    M3275SHPD motor oil, change interval of up to 60,000 km possible
    M3277UHPD motor oil, change interval of up to 80,000 km possible
    M3377Higher requirements of cleanliness/deposits than M3277, change interval according to display
    M3477 Same as M3277 but low-ash for Euro 5 motors with DPF
    M3677  Euro 6 motors with DPF, change interval up to 120,000 km possible
    Based on European vehicle manufacturers, the prescribed vehicle specifications are based on the motor tests of the ACEA or the API. In order to achieve a manufacturer approval for a certain oil, in addition to the respective ACEA/API test procedure, further motor tests and requirements must be fulfilled. An overview of which manufacturer specification is based on which ACEA/API classification is shown in the illustration below.

    Approvals for IVECO motors

    18-1804 FEBased on ACEA E4/E5 with TBN content >14
    18-1804 TLS E6 Based on ACEA E6 with TBN content >13
    18-1804 T2 E7Based on ACEA E7 with TBN content >14
    18-1804 TLS E9 Based on ACEA E9 or API CJ-4
    18-1804 TFEBased on ACEA E4/E7 with TBN content >16

    Approvals for VW motors

    VW 500.00Multi-grade oil with viscosity classes SAE 5W-X/10W-X, is replaced by VW 501.01
    VW 501.01Multi-grade oil with viscosity classes SAE 5W-X/10W-X, is replaced by VW 502.00
    VW 502.00Multi-grade oil for higher requirements
    VW 503.00Longlife specification for petrol motors, based on ACEA A1, viscosity classes 0W-30/5W-30
    VW 503.01Longlife specification for supercharged petrol motors, viscosity class 5W-30
    VW 505.00Multi-grade oil for vacuum and turbo diesel motors
    VW 505.01Multi-grade oil for unit injector motors, based on ACEA B4, viscosity class 5W-40
    VW 506.00Longlife specification for supercharged diesel motors, viscosity class 0W-30
    VW 506.01 Longlife specification for unit injector motors
    VW 504.00Specification for petrol motors with and without Longlife service, replaces all petrol specifications listed above
    VW 507.00Specification for diesel motors with and without Longlife service, replaces all diesel specifications listed above (Except for R5 and V10 TDI motors before CW 22/06)
    VW 508.00Longlife IV-specification for petrol motors with and without Longlife service, is not backward compatible, viscosity class SAE 0W-20
    VW 509.00Longlife IV-specification for diesel motors with and without Longlife service, is not backward compatible, viscosity class SAE 0W-20

    Approvals for RENAULT motors

    RN 0700 Based on ACEA A3/B4, permitted for all Renault petrol motors
    RN 0710 Based on ACEA A3/B4, permitted for all Renault diesel motors without a particulate filters
    RN 0720 Based on ACEA C4, permitted for all Renault diesel motors with particulate filters

    Approvals for Peugeot motors

    PSA B71 2290 Based on ACEA C3 with viscosity class 5W-30
    PSA B71 2295Based on ACEA A2/B2 for motors before model year 1998, no defined viscosity
    PSA B71 2296  Based on ACEA A3/B4 with viscosity classes 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-30 and 5W-40
    PSA B71 2300 Based on ACEA A3/B4 with viscosity class xW-40, xW-50
    PSA B71 2312 Based on ACEA C2 with viscosity class 0W-30

    Approvals for PORSCHE motors

    A 40Based on ACEA A3 with viscosity classes 0W-40 and 5W-40, for petrol motors from 1994
    C 20Based on ACEA C5, corresponds to VW 508.00/509.00, not backward compatible
    C 30 Based on ACEA C3, corresponds to VW 504.00/507.00