Pro-Line Diesel Particulate Filter Protection

SKU: P000060

Highly effective additive that reduces the build-up of particulates and improves the reliability of diesel particulate filters. Vehicles used for short trips and city traffic are especially affected by problems with clogged diesel particulate filters. Regular use keeps the diesel particulate filter clean, avoiding expensive repairs and down times. ...

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  • especially suitable for vehicles with diesel particulate filter
  • especially suitable for short trips and city vehicles
  • guarantees optimum combustion
  • reduces soot emissions
  • regeneration aid for diesel particulate filters
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Price upon request
Highly effective additive that reduces the build-up of particulates and improves the reliability of diesel particulate filters. Vehicles used for short trips and city traffic are especially affected by problems with clogged diesel particulate filters. Regular use keeps the diesel particulate filter clean, avoiding expensive repairs and down times. Diesel Particulate Filter Protection ensures optimum fuel combustion and reduces the build-up of particulates. This also contributes to reducing emissions.

Suitable for diesel vehicles with diesel particle filters, provided these have not already been equipped with an electronically controlled additive tank system for filter regeneration (as used by Citroen and Peugeot, for example). Also suitable for trucks and buses. The container (1 L) is sufficient for 300 litres of diesel fuel.


Add the diesel particle filter protector to the fuel immediately before filling up after every 2,000 km. The container (1 L) is sufficient for 300 litres of diesel fuel. Note: Avoid excess dosage and use in combination with diesel soot guard!

Container type
Container contents
Language line
Pallet unit
Container type: Can sheet metal
Container contents: 1 l
Language line: D-GB-I-E-P
PU: 6
Pallet unit: 570

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Motor oils made in Germany

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