Touring High Tech SAE 20W-50

SKU: P000213

Mineral based all-season motor oil, particularly suited for older generation high mileage gasoline and diesel vehicles. Provides a stable lubricating film even under extreme operating conditions. Designed with proven wear protection technology. Keeps rubber seals such as valve stem seals, crank seals, cam seals etc. soft and pliable for low oil con ...

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Specifications / Approvals: ACEA A3/B4, E2, API SL/CG-4, Allison C4, MIL-L 2104 E LIQUI MOLY recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original spare part numbers are required: Caterpillar TO-2, MAN 271, MB 228.3 Show more

  • excellent cleaning effect
  • excellent wear resistance
  • can be used in gasoline and diesel engines with and without turbocharger
  • low evaporation loss
  • high shear stability
  • Show more
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Price upon request

Mineral based all-season motor oil, particularly suited for older generation high mileage gasoline and diesel vehicles. Provides a stable lubricating film even under extreme operating conditions. Designed with proven wear protection technology. Keeps rubber seals such as valve stem seals, crank seals, cam seals etc. soft and pliable for low oil consumption.

For gasoline or diesel engines where a motor oil according to current specifications is required or recommended. Tested safe with catalytic converters and turbochargers. Observe the manufacturers instructions!


Observe the manufacturers instructions!

Container type
Container contents
Language line
Pallet unit
Container type: Container
Container contents: 1000 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 1
Pallet unit: 1
Container type: Canister plastic
Container contents: 5 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 4
Pallet unit: 144
Container type: Black plate barrel
Container contents: 205 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 1
Pallet unit: 2
Specifications / Approvals

ACEA A3/B4, E2, Allison C4, API CG-4, API SL, MIL-L 2104 E

LIQUI MOLY recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original spare part numbers are required

Caterpillar TO-2, MAN 271, MB 228.3

Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Older versions of the safety data sheet are available upon request via the email address

Motor oils made in Germany

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In order to be able to respond to your feedback and improve our service as a result, we will contact you in individual cases, if necessary, with individual queries and always with a request for confirmation of your rating at the e-mail address you provided (Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO).

(1 Reviews)
Worth each drop. add MoS2!
Todd |
My 911 3.2 (117k miles) I was a slave to the cult of Brad Penn 20/50 for 12 years. Well, my 3.2 has a new god. Touring High Tech SAE 20W-50 with the MoS2 Anti-Friction Engine Treatment. 1000 mile drive? 911 3.2 runs amazing, better then ever. Smother, more responsive - have not needed to add any oil in this trip (zero loss) Very happy with this oil and MoS2 Thanks!
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