MoS2 Antifriction SAE 10W-40

SKU: P000207

Semi-synthetic LIQUI MOLY specialty oil with an additive package containing Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2). The unique formulation adds a high pressure and temperature resistant lubricating layer to all friction surfaces for added wear protection and safety reserves. Reduced friction will contribute to lower oil temperatures, oil consumption and stabl ...

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LIQUI MOLY recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original spare part numbers are required: ACEA A3/B4, API SL Show more

  • outstanding engine cleanliness
  • excellent wear protection
  • suitable for gasoline and diesel engines with and without exhaust-gas turbocharging
  • good cold-start behavior
  • outstanding emergency-running properties
  • Show more
warn-image WARNING: Cancer -
warn-image WARNING: Cancer -
warn-image WARNING: Cancer -

Semi-synthetic LIQUI MOLY specialty oil with an additive package containing Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2). The unique formulation adds a high pressure and temperature resistant lubricating layer to all friction surfaces for added wear protection and safety reserves. Reduced friction will contribute to lower oil temperatures, oil consumption and stable oil pressure. Particularly suited for older generation air or water-cooled gasoline solid lifter engines, with or without turbochargers. The MoS2 formulation dictates the oils gray color.

For gasoline or diesel engines where a motor oil according to current specifications is required or recommended. Tested safe with catalytic converters and turbochargers. Observe the manufacturers instructions!


Observe the manufacturers instructions!

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#P65 WARNING: Reproductive Harm -

Container type
Container contents
Language line
Pallet unit
Container type: Canister plastic
Container contents: 1 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 12
Pallet unit: 576
Container type: Canister plastic
Container contents: 5 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 4
Pallet unit: 144
Container type: Black plate barrel
Container contents: 60 l
Language line: USA AND CANADA (-EN-F-)
PU: 1
Pallet unit: 6
LIQUI MOLY recommends this product for vehicles or assemblies for which the following specifications or original spare part numbers are required


Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Product Information

Safety data sheets

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Older versions of the safety data sheet are available upon request via the email address

Motor oils made in Germany

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(1 Reviews)
Liqui Moly 10w40 MoS2 -BEST TO BE SPECIFIC
Nicos |
So many claims and on anything one buys nowadays. As if there won't be any tomorrow. After a while users feel they cannot trust anyone these days. Building a loyal customer base takes time and sincerity. Yet marketing language "dilutes" what engineers tried to achieve and often leads to wrong conclusions at user level. If you need proof, watch the most popular video on Utube about this oil or MoS2 additive. About 80%+ of all engine wear takes place when starting an engine after it has not been started for a few hours and the oil drained away from metal surfaces. These few seconds, until the circulating oil gets the chance to "wet" all metal surfaces, is what causes wear. MoS2 stays on these surfaces even when the engine had not been started for days, weeks even. It adheres to the surface. It is during this phase, which is by far the most important, that friction is greatly reduced and protection is provided. After the oil has circulated, there is not much of a benefit, if any, in terms of refuced friction or consumption. Those who care to see the above video might understand how confusing marketing claims in the name of extra sales can point customers to the reach wrong conclusions and destroy what would otherwise be a loyal customer base.
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