- 4min
Is the vehicle no longer completely leak-tight?

Solution against oil loss
Over the years, untreated rubber and plastic gaskets dry out and become porous and brittle. Oil may then leak out of the power steering, transmission or engine. A typical symptom is small oil stains on the parking lot.
Our oil loss problem solvers provide a solution. The respective additives are simply added to the oil. They regenerate rubber and plastic gaskets such as shaft gaskets or valve stem gaskets and make them soft and flexible again. The gaskets fulfill their purpose again and counteract oil loss.
There is a special problem solver for every type of oil loss:
Helps against loss of coolant
A leak in the radiator can have many causes: Stone chipping, porous solder joints or hairline cracks in the radiator. These are often not easy to locate and are generally only detected by the decreasing coolant level.
Instead of replacing the radiator completely, it can be very easily sealed from the inside. Eliminate small leaks quickly and reliably with our leak-proof radiator problem solver.
For this purpose, the additive only has to be added to the radiator. It contains specially developed plastic particles that accumulate on small cracks and block them as soon as the radiator is under pressure. When the radiator reaches operating temperature, the plastic particles melt together and permanently seal the crack.