Loss of compres­sion

Loss of compression can have various causes:

  • Loss of compression due to wear
    As the engine's mileage increases, compression can drop sharply due to component wear. To counteract this, a thicker oil is often recommended.

    By using our Viscoplus for Oil it is not necessary to change the oil immediately, as this additive improves the viscosity class by approx. one SAE class upwards at operating temperature and thus ensures a lower loss of compression due to the improved sealing effect of the engine oil.


  • Loss of compression due to seized piston rings
    Deposits on the piston rings severely restrict their movement. If a piston ring is stuck, there is no complete seal to the cylinder wall, which results in a loss of power coupled with increased oil consumption.

    This can be remedied by our Motor Clean. This cleaning additive removes the deposits on the piston rings, ensuring their mobility.