- 01/27/2022
Ernst Prost’s farewell gift: € 2000 performance bonus for 1,000 co-entrepreneurs
“We did well and generated 20 percent growth. The entire team worked hard under difficult conditions. This is worth a gift from Mr. Hiermaier and me to everyone. Call it what you like. Whether corona hardship allowance, reward, performance bonus, or lovely share of the loot,” says Ernst Prost.
The entire industry is severely affected by the tense situation on the world market. Spectacular supply bottlenecks and horrendous raw material prices are currently affecting more than just the industry. Last year, the medium-sized company from Ulm once again proved that hard teamwork pays off in facing all kinds of obstacles. € 122 million increase in sales during 2021 at LIQUI MOLY – and the revenue has also recovered, according to Management. “We are still waiting for the audit to be completed in February. It doesn’t look as outstanding as before corona, but it is very good in view of the situation,” says Managing Director Ernst Prost proudly.
“You know, everyone is talking about how bad the economy is. Above all, we see the human element. Right from the start, we said that we would not put anyone on short-time work and that we would not show anyone the door. We were going to get through this together. We wanted to tackle it together without state aid,” says Ernst Prost, who set the company’s course for attack at the beginning of the pandemic. No one in the company was left unscathed. “There are extra shifts in production at the weekend. Masks, spacing, small corona-compliant working groups. Wherever it is feasible, our co-entrepreneurs work from home to keep in touch with customers, get orders in and process them,” says Ernst Prost. In times of social distancing, this can sometimes be very lonely to the point of being almost impossible, for example, when the children are jumping around at home because they cannot go to school. “Nerves are on edge – for everyone. Whether in production, in the warehouse or at home, no matter where in the world. Nevertheless, our team spirit did not fail. Everyone has done an outstanding job,” both Managing Directors agree. “We want to recognize this achievement and thank you. Thank you for your tireless efforts in good times and bad.”
According to the company, each co-entrepreneur will receive the bonus. “From warehouse workers in South Africa to managing director of the subsidiary in North America,” says Ernst Prost. “If our team weren’t so fantastic, we wouldn’t have come through the crisis so well,” Ernst Prost is certain. He also sees the bonus as a personal ‘thank you’ and a farewell gift, as he will be retiring in a few weeks.